Tag Archives: nature’s sunshine

Lyme: What, Why, Solutions that Work

What Is Lyme?

Lyme is a disease carried by ticks, which are migrating across Canada, US & Europe at an alarming rate.  Lyme causes untold suffering with skin problems including rashes, scaling and scarring, muscle aches, pains and stiffness, constant fatigue, headaches, arthritis with severe joint pain and swelling, facial palsy, nerve pain, memory challenges, brain fog, and of course, with all these symptoms, depression. There are several different stages, early localized, early disseminated and late disseminated, all presenting differently.

Petitions to US & Canada’s Health officials for more than 10 years have done little to improve this situation. We need to keep trying!

Canadians sign this petition before March 1st, 2017: https://www.change.org/p/minister-philpott-ticking-lyme-bomb-in-canada-fix-canada-s-lyme-action-plan-now

US: please sign: https://www.change.org/p/president-trump-and-congress-drain-the-cdc-swamp-and-legalize-lyme-disease

The World Health Organization and other public health authorities worldwide have declared Lyme to be the fastest growing vector-borne infectious disease in the world.

US Centers for Disease Control confirmed Lyme an epidemic in 2008. CDC states there are 300,000 NEW cases of Lyme in the US every year.

Canadian scientists predict that by the year 2020, 80% of the population in Eastern Canada will be living in a tick-populated area.

Research shows that Lyme bacteria can be passed from pregnant mother to child in utero. There are concerns this infection may be sexually transmitted. Babesia, a Lyme Co-Infection, has been found to be in the US blood supply. For all these additional reasons, it is critical to express your desire to have this disease recognized, properly tested and treated.


Why Is Lyme Misdiagnosed, Undiagnosed,

Improperly Treated and Underfunded?

There are a multitude of books, reports & petitions explaining this. One particularly informative book by Helke Ferrie, is Creative Outrage, A Medical Journalist Reports on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Current Medicine.

Ferrie covers Lyme extensively pages 87-110, listing full references. I agree with her summary that the way Lyme is handled by medical authorities and government agencies has entered the domain of criminality. She says: “How are doctors supposed to know how to recognize Lyme disease when our testing protocol prevents recognition so perfectly? When they do see it, they are unprepared to treat it. Sophisticated medical research published in the most prestigious international journals is kept out of medical practice by a government policy that ensures complex new scientific discoveries about Lyme do not confuse medical minds with the true facts….”

In Cure Unknown, Pamela Weintraub, writes, “the consistent downplaying of the severity of Lyme disease, only benefits the global medical insurers, who underwrite employee disability coverage & who do not want to incur the cost of this global pandemic. The pharmaceutical industry benefits greatly by inventing a new drug to treat each of the many symptoms of Lyme Disease, making billions of dollars globally while doing no research to treat the cause of the disease or to find better diagnostic tools.”

One small example that many people have never heard about is the link to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has treated Lyme for decades and discovered that recovery by any treatment protocol mandates that the patient be fully protected from EMF radiation. In the presence of cell phone radiation, for example, Lyme bacteria and their co-infections thrive and are able to evade therapeutic interventions. His Lyme patients must switch off main breakers at night and avoid all forms of wireless technology while undergoing treatment. Smart meters being forced on the population exacerbates this problem, which again, is unrecognized by mainstream medical.

KP Stoller MD, expert in integrative medicine and author of Incurable Me has been working with patients with brain injuries ranging from traumatic brain injury, stroke, autism, cerebral palsy, MS, chemo-brain, and Lyme brain since the late 1990s. He states, “ Untold numbers of Lyme patients have been told they don’t have Lyme, denied treatment, denied insurance reimbursement and those are the lucky ones.

Who is there to hold dishonest science accountable when “evidence based medicine” has been spun to fit biased agendas? What is the motivation to do this in the case of Lyme Disease?

It is very simple…Pharma wants to have a Lyme vaccine or at least profit from all the government funds to develop such a vaccine, but for this to be possible Lyme must fit a certain disease model. Since it does not fit a model where a vaccine would work, even on paper, the CDC seems to have conspired with both Pharma and a corrupt faction of academia to distort the truth about Lyme to enable vaccine makers to move forward on their desire to profit from a vaccine and/or its development.”

The one vaccine out of many developed, was FDA approved in 1998. It was pulled off the market within 4 years due to a class action lawsuit that represented over a hundred people who claimed they had experienced adverse reactions to the vaccine.

In summary, researchers who agree with the faulty model get the funding, so any other options will not be funded, and therefore, can “provide no evidence”.



In my 35 years in the health field, those who have recovered from Lyme to lead healthy lives, have ALL taken natural or complementary routes for healing. For those that may not be familiar with this, one excellent starting place is this NSP forum on Lyme.


Since that forum topic began in 2006, the same underlying concepts are still true. They are basically the same 4 pillars of health that are taught in Lorene Benoit’s book, The Paw Paw Program, A Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer. These pillars address the 5 causes that apply to all diseases, including LYME: Infection, Inflammation, Injury, Elimination & Circulation.

The variety of recommendations from the NSP Forum addresses these causes. Of course, different practitioners favour different programs. Here is a brief summary of those most frequently used. Please contact Benoit Health Education for specific help with a program that will help you.

Building the body’s natural defences with super nutrition is important for everyone! For details, see Lorene Benoit’s book, or Super Foods category. Energy medicine, Reiki, EPFX, Rife technology, Infra Red saunas have all been proven helpful. Different approaches work for different people; an experience natural health care consultant can help you.



Benoit & Associates Health Education

Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD (H) co-founded the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM).

Medical News Today – Vaccine Revival

Lyme Disease & Co-Infections: www.canlyme.com

International Lyme and Associated Disease www.ilads.org

Lyme Letters Campaign: www.lymehope.ca

Public Health Agency of Canada draft Framework: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/programs/consultation-draft-federal-framework-lyme-disease.html

Ending Denial—The Lyme Disease Epidemic

Canada Journal of Applied Ecology, 2012: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02112.x/abstract;jsessionid=BDF9CD369FD70D6E8CA8FF16A4AA5015.f04t01

Annals of Internal Medicine: http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=699780 

PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7648832





Food & Supplement Quality

Why Bother to Supplement?

Dr. James Scala, who was a nutritional doctor for Mount Everest expeditions,  shares the statistic that over 60% of all deaths are related to poor diet. “…over 5 people in America die every 2 minutes from an illness that proper nutrition could have either prevented completely or put far into the future.”

To think that 60% of all deaths could be prevented if we only put enough nutrition into our bodies is mind boggling. In ‘developed’ countries, we have a food abundance and yet we are starving to death! How can that be? Here are 7 answers.

1. Much of the foods we eat today are empty of nutrition. We are eating too much overly processed foods, frankenstein GMO foods,  poor quality foods, and too little natural foods in proper ratios.

2. Agricultural practices have interfered with plants’ abilities to convert raw elements from the earth into bioavailable minerals and amino acids. Our plants are mineral and amino acid deficient.

3. Our society is trained to turn to medical prescriptions to solve the diseases we are becoming afflicted with. All drugs have harmful side effects that rob our immune systems from doing their job of sustaining our health.

4. We have forgotten that it is energy from the sun, from exercise, from love, from unprocessed foods with nutrients, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, essential fatty acids that will keep our bodies healthy and strong, as well as help our bodies recover from any illness we may be afflicted with. So nutrition in our present day is totally disregarded as the solution to all diseased conditions.

5. Dr. Scala stated that baby boomers may be the last generation to have increased longevity, and that their children will have a reduced average life span. He also said that with optimum nutrition, we should be living to 120 years!

6. Dr. Scala formulated the SynerPro (Synergystic Protectors) concentrate for NSP over 25 years ago, way ahead of his time. This concentrate contains broccoli, cabbage, carrot, red beet, rosemary, tomato, turmeric, grapefruit & orange bioflavonoids, and hesperidin. As detailed in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program, pages 175 – 180 these phytonutrients and phytochemicals are powerhouses for healthy cells. The concentrate blend adds nutrition, energy & enhances absorption of the SynerPro B Complex and SynerPro Calcium- Magnesium.  Years after his formulations, mainstream started expounding the benefits of lycopenes in tomatoes, anti-inflammatories in turmeric, flavonoids in rosemary, etc.

7. Benoit’s 284 page book contains great wisdom on correct diet for building health, no matter what condition a person has. Her Case Studies & Testimonials answer many questions that clients have had. Recipes to start making healthier choices are found in Chapter 10.


How to Supplement?

Many people are choosing to make improved food choices, as well as supplementing their intake with vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplemental superfoods. A good decision!  But far too many people end up spending too much money on worthless supplements.

The missing factor is quality control. Not all supplements are  the same.  Diligent research and tests from independent labs such as Brunswick, show that only 15% of nutritional & herbal companies actually have in the bottle what is printed on the label. That is because 85% of all supplements on the market are made by 3rd party companies. In other words, a company takes another company’s products and sticks their own labels on it, then sells them.  There is no quality control here.

Nature’s Sunshine is second to none in quality. Our standards are so consistent that we get results. Nature’s Sunshine has more than the required certifications as they decided in 1972  to invest in quality control, in addition to research & development. Nature’s Sunshine goes so far that they make their own capsules, so they know they are free from fillers and questionable ingredients. Pure,  Potent and Proven for over 40 years.

Nature’s Sunshine does not own any farms and therefore they are in no way obligated to sell products that may be of lesser quality. Quality is never compromised because of bad crops, harvesting, drying, or storage. They are free to choose the best quality from around the world, and they do.

One example is Kelp, which comes from Nova Scotia. 600  tests are performed on this one plant before it is released for production. One of these testing procedures is Geiger counter testing for radioactivity.  All products are manufactured in the Utah state of the art manufacturing facility, where every single batch of herbs is fully tested. All test samples are kept for 6 years. Having an organic or wild crafted label means nothing if this degree of testing is not performed. NSP is above and beyond organic; it is potent!

We are very proud to  educate & distribute a product line that demonstrates such a high  level of  sincere integrity. If this message reaches you and you are not a member of Nature’s Sunshine please contact us to start to get results with your nutritional program!

December, 2016 Natural Health Newsletter

Benoit Associates Health Education News  

December 2016

Winter Wonderland on Vancouver Island

2016 was a year of learning, travelling, construction & gardening. Our family is grateful that I chose to use my education in a career of teaching others to improve their health using the wonderful healing that herbs and healthy lifestyle offers. The benefit of teaching others for 35 years is how it comes back to enrich me. Students and co-workers bring in new learning and sometimes remind me of things I taught them and need to re-learn! I am also grateful to my network of Managers, past & present,  who have dedicated themselves to helping others, as well as to those who have improved their own personal health.
Blessings to all of you! We wish you optimum health so that you achieve your desires for 2017.

“We must become the change we want to see.”  Gandhi

Emails:       PLEASE Note: In future, emails from TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com    may be marked as spam, so please enter this email in your contact list: Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies.com

Personal Website:   www.NaturalPathRemedies.com
MY NSP Website:   TakeTheNaturalPath@MyNSP.com


Apologies for sending  newsletters so infrequently –  I am busy researching, consulting, answering emails, and helping others build their health business. 

I continue to put more articles on my Research Blog. The search bar in top right hand corner is useful to see if there is an article that will help you.

Tip: If you do not find a relevant answer, then contact us; I will  post a response.

Like my business Facebook page; where I post each new research article.  https://www.facebook.com/Benoit.Associates/?ref=hl 

 Our NSP Members worldwide, can order The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer (and other Diseases) – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally at a 15% discount, or Buy 3 get 1 free,  when you email us directly. Just let us know your current member number.

The Paw Paw Program  is  a book for healing ALL chronic health conditions, including cancer. Based on 35 years experience, the history of herbs,  four pillars of health, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, this book is relevant everyone seeking optimum health. 

Everyday YOU can tell your trillion cells in your body how wonderful you are and how grateful you are for many aspects of your life – and they WILL believe you.
-Lorene Benoit-


Our passion is for education; here are articles posted since last newsletter. 


Q&A Paw Paw for my Cat?

Q & A Graviola, Papaya versus Paw Paw – Asimina triloba

Vit D & cancer: sun, showers and supplements

Pancreatic Cancer growth halted

Detox Basics Testimony

Healthy MicroBiome and Detox for Health

Q & A? Cleanses, Children’s Health & Calcium

Thyroid Health & Hyperthyroidsim

Herbal Intensive  – check this out and consider coming next July!

Q & A: Teeth Grinding

Psoriasis and Foot fungus – connected?


We answer many questions we receive worldwide.

High volume dictates that for detailed responses and complicated health issues, an appointment is required. For a no cost obligation to see if you wish to work with Lorene Benoit toward better health, the first 10 minutes are free whether by email or phone. YOUR phone number, especially within North America,  is necessary, so we can call you while travelling. Then sessions can be arranged via Skype, Facetime or Facebook messenger, once set up by phone or email contact.

Fees after 10 minutes are very reasonable.  Lorene has been helping many people worldwide to better health for 35 years.

Anytime there is something we can help with, please


Free Educational Webinars

Nature’s Sunshine offers FREE webinars with some of North America’s best Natural Health Experts. Share this valuable information with others who can benefit from this information.

Anyone can access webinars , without being a member.  As the links change , please contact our office  to determine your interest and we can send you direct links, no obligation. You will be impressed with the education – the best path to optimum health!


How does membership benefit you?

You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials, plus our support

  • Membership is free with an order in most countries. Benefits are listed below.
  • Contact us before you order from Amazon or EBay, as they  cannot provide Service or Integrity, which we can. NSP has provided the professional Quality, exceeding pharmaceutical standards,  since 1972.
  • Go to TakeTheNaturalPath@MyNSP.com, , choose your country, then use sponsor # 1143615 Canada, US, or Mexico to receive discount and benefits of our professional support. OR contact us with your details and we can place your initial for you with no charge – old fashioned personal service! 
  • Members in North America (US, CA and MX) can order within all 3 countries via Market to Market.


Compass Zyto Biofeedback

The Compass is an extremely efficient, inexpensive biofeedback tool that measures your biomarkers and gives you the perfect health program!

Watch this 3  minute video:


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends to find out what are the best supplements for you! Contact our office.for details.



There are always  specials in all countries to help you stay healthier AND save money. To take full advantage of Canadian specials, receive the Update and Educate emails, or faxes. Call NSP at 1-800-265-9163, or look on the Nature’s Sunshine. Choose your country at top of page. Remember BEFORE you place an order, let us help you. We place the first order for FREE; your choice as retail or member prices.

Sending gifts of health anywhere in North America is easy-no post office hassles! Click here for herbal gift ideas.


Business Coaching

We offer ongoing coaching to help others start their own business. If you are committed to learning about health and helping others, phone our office to see how you can join our team who help others and earn while they learn.

Serving you in health, 

Benoit & Associates Health Education

Ph/Fax    250-748-6802

Email:    Lorene@NaturalPathRemedies.com

Websites: NaturalPathRemedies.com


Pancreatic Cancer growth halted

Dear Lorene!

I have good news about my mom. The mass in her pancreas has not enlarged since it was found last year. And mom said that  her pain in the sides has significantly decreased. Because of mom’s condition nothing more invasive than CT can be done to diagnose more precisely the condition of the mass. Mom has been using Paw Paw since November 2015, she is using 12 pills a day. Her question is  if she should keep using 12  a day or if she can reduce the dosage. I really appreciate your support and advice about it.


Thank you to both of you for sharing these results. It can help others. This is excellent news in 10 months! It is probably in her favor that the doctors do not want to do anything more invasive – if nothing is broken, don’t fix it!
One CT scan per year is acceptable, more than that is excess radiation
If she is feeling well, she may choose to continue at the same dosage of Paw Paw, to not only stop growth, but to start to decrease the mass. The beauty of the chemotherapeutic effect of Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, is that it is self regulating in dosage. Should your Mom start to feel any nausea, cramping or continual diarrhea, THEN she can decrease by 1 per day. This would indicate she is needing a lower dose. 
Feel free to get back to me after her next scan, or if anything changes. For now, all sounds very good! Congratulations to both of you for the time & effort you are making to educate yourself and take control over your own health. 
Knowing that Nature’s Sunshine has herbs powerful enough to effect this improvement, think how important it is to benefit from their therapeutic grade products for everyday health!
Even a simple, complete nutritional approach such as that found in Super Trio is basic health insurance from which everyone can benefit. You can’t afford to not afford the basics!
Contact us if you would like assistance determining a basic health & wellness program for you!

Detox Basics Testimony

This testimony was submitted August 10th, via another NSP Associate who works with us concerning Detox Basics (contact the author)

I’ve attached a small summary of how Detox Basics is improving my life.  If you want you can send it on to Lorene. CD

I began using this product on August 3rd and here is my experience in one week:

  • More energy
  • Joint and muscle pain virtually gone
  • sleeping better
  • clearer mind
  • calmer
  • acid reflux and liver pain gone
  • cravings under control

OTC (Over the counter ) drugs

  • I have been taking 1 to 2 gravol tablets for over 25 years at bedtime to sleep and no longer need that
  • Was taking minimum 2-3 extra strength Tylenol daily for back and foot pain, no longer have the pain so don’t need the Tylenol
  • Was taking 3 “Recovery” tablets daily to try and ease pain; not needed now
  • stopped taking daily laxative that I needed because of all the OTC drugs I was consuming

I have also stopped drinking alcohol because of this program, as well as diet pop and am limiting my intake of sweets and fatty food. That probably helps too. I don’t take any prescription drugs.

Thanks S.H. for suggesting this great product for me, it may have saved my life!

Ingredients on the Detox Basics (contact the author)30 day cleanse are discussed in the article: Healthy Microbiome and Detox for Health.  

To get the best pricing on Detox Basics, or any other therapeutic nutrition, plus professional support, please contact the author.

Healthy MicroBiome and Detox for Health

Recently there has been considerable research relating to the critical importance of having a healthy microbiome. In simple terms, that means having healthy intestinal bacteria. This is not news to those of us in the natural health field, but more importance is now being attributed to probiotics, even in the allopathic medical field. One reason for this long overdue recognition, is outbreaks in hospitals and senior complexes of serious conditions such as Clostridium difficile infections (CDI). This disease been increasing in the last 30 years, primarily due to increased antibiotic and chemotherapy use.

The medical profession continues to use antibiotics to treat the condition, although as far back as 2006, I read a report by a Quebec hospital having decreased the incidence of CDI by 90% by merely giving all patients a probiotic supplement daily. I cannot recall the dollar savings, but obviously they were HUGE, as on average, a CDI infection increases a patient’s hospital stay by 6 days!  Unfortunately, but not surprisingly,  as probiotics do not offer the exorbitant mark-up and profit margin as drugs, there has been ‘inadequate studies’ to support the evidence to have this become mainstream.

Many research dollars are being spent on faecal transplant studies and trials for severe CDI with promising results. In my opinion, effective probiotics such as NutriBiome Bacillus Coagulans is both more cost effective and considerably more appealing. We need to simplify, not complicate our health – KIS!

Those who DO care about their health are reaping the benefits.

Dr, Jay Vandenheuval, PhD, ND, presented an excellent webinar which covered the basics for 2 new products:  NutriBiome Bacillus Coagulans, as well as Detox Basics (contact the author) , a 30 day kit for whole body cleansing. Should any reader wish to view this webinar, please contact the author, who will gladly share it. Health is about education, so you can take better control of your own health!



NutriBiome Bacillus Coagulans…

is a probiotic strain designed to reset and quickly replenish the natural biome. It works very quickly for food poisoning, diarrhea, parasitic infestation, and toxic overload from any environmental source. Bacillus coagulans is  naturally heat-stable, so no refrigeration required. This is an excellent feature for travellers. It  readily withstands the stomach’s acidic environment, thereby providing better targeted support to the intestine and maintaining balance in the microbiome.

NutriBiome Bacillus coagulans  contains (MTCC 5856) 1 billion cfu (70 mg), as well as Inulin, a FOS (Fructooligosaccharide), which is a prebiotic to stimulate the growth of nonpathogenic intestinal microflora.


Detox Basics Kit…

combines Bacillus coagulans with several important formulas to provide a comprehensive, 30-day detox program. It has been designed to help support the function of digestive system, colon, liver, kidneys, all our organs involved in detoxification and filtration.

The liver aids in the digestive process by secreting bile that emulsifies fat, controls the metabolism of various nutrients, and serves as a reservoir for many of these same nutrients. The liver has over 500 critical functions in the body, and a healthy liver keeps life flowing smoothly.

The kidneys act as a filtration system, balancing our minerals and water to maintain homeostasis. A couple of signs of kidney overload can be sore back and arthritis.

The colon in a healthy state, provides nourishment via nutrient absorption, balances water and Potassium, helps production of Vitamins K, B12, thiamin and riboflavin, ensures adequate lymphatic flow to enhance immunity, as well as taking out the garbage! See The Most Important Organ.

The probiotics help establish the friendly, helpful bacteria, while the Detox helps remove the undesirable ones. This 2 part approach is very effective!

Detox Basics contains Berberine IR, (Berberis aristata) root, Milk Thistle, (Silybum marianum), Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale)Choline bitartrate, as well as antioxidants Vitamin C, N-Acetyl-L-cysteine 55 mg and Beta-carotene 7000 IU, Curcuma longa (turmeric) rhizome

To get the best prices on NutriBiome Bacillus, Detox Basics, or any other therapeutic nutrition, plus professional support, please contact the author.

Dietary and lifestyle recommendation which enhance every herbal or nutritional program can be found in the author’s book: The Paw Paw Program –  a book written for serious conditions such as cancer that contains tips for achieving optimum health, no matter what health challenge one is facing.

Please see this recent testimony from a woman who feels this cleanse is changing her life for the better!

Contact the author when you are ready to change yours!



Clostridium Difficile Disease  by Sanofi Pasteur 2014

Is Clostridium Infection Still a Problem for Hospitals?  CMAJ 2012

Probiotics in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea andClostridium difficile infection, NIH. 2011

Control of Clostridium difficileInfection (CDI) Outbreaks in Hospitals  ON Govt. 2008


Q & A? Cleanses, Children’s Health & Calcium

Questions & Answers (in italics):

In supporting those who wish to share Nature’s Sunshine Products as a business to help others achieve vital health; I often get questions such as these. As this covered an extensive range of topics, I thought it would be good to post it.

Good morning Lorene, hope all is well. Couple questions for you.


1. What is the difference between all the cleanses?
Looks like Clean Start and Tiao Pack are for the large intestines and the Detox Basic is to support the liver? There are also a couple more (cleanses).
In my experience Tiao He is very much for liver plus all organs. LIV-C in it is definitely liver, LBS & Psyllium for bowels /intestines), Body-DeTox for all organs, Red Clover for cellular/blood cleansing , Black Walnut for parasites and thyroid support. We have had this cleanse for 25 yrs.; it is very effective.

Especially good in spring when liver is often overload from heavier winter food, less activity, etc. This is the closest to the popular Wild Rose Cleanse. My husband & I have tested both and Tiao He was far more effective!

Fact sheets for all are available on line, via TakeTheNaturalPath.mynsp.com. On this site, click “More Info” , then choose your country on the NSP page. Contact Lorene Benoit for assistance in choosing what best suits your needs and for best pricing.

I have not had much experience with Detox Basics, as it is new, but to me it also looks like liver AND bowels because of the NutriBiome Bacillus Coagulans. The BerberinIR (berberis aristata) is an excellent blood sugar/glucose stabilizer.

Clean Start definitely gets the bowels moving – a better visual and bowel cleanser (than Tiao He) with the LBS & fibre mix: aloe, psyllium, chlorophyll & malic acid. It also contains Body Detox, which works on liver & other organs. I would use this one for sure if bowels are not working so well. People SEE the difference!
I know it can seem confusing to have so many, but every person’s needs are different. My suggestion is that you use them at different times and your personal experience will be the best guide for you. This is why we like people to be supported by the person helping them choose their herbs & supplements. 
The other two are cleanses: ParaPak – when people return from international travel; kids with pinworms, annual parasite cleanse. This 10 day cleanse was also used successfully with Candida/yeast before we had Candida Clear, which is a little better for this challenge because of the enzymes to be taken between meals. These really help to break down and clear out the candida organisms.


2. Also was hoping to get kid vitamins but they are with iron. Are there any vit/min for kids with out iron?
NO, but the Elderberry for children makes an excellent daily, if you do not want the iron. It especially is useful to keep strong immune system when they are exposed to lots of illness in school system.
Zambroza, (Thai Go in US) is a delicious beverage that is excellent for children; containing a wide range of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and immune support. 


3. The children probiotics are made in gummy form.  Hard to make a gummy with out adding stuff to it. Do you know what age kids can start taking these adult vit and probiotics?
No, they are not gummies – they are chewable. We had the gummies years ago made with natural fruit, but they were not as popular, so they reverted to our previous formula we have had for years.


4. Do you know what age kids can start taking these adult vits and probiotics?
No exact age has been determined as to when infantile flora changes. I suspect it differs with a child’s constitution, diet, whether they were born vaginally or by C section, breastfed and how long, and other lifestyle factors.  Personally I think once they are 3 yrs. or 40 lbs. and are able to handle capsules or tablets, they could use children’s or adult probiotics. 
Capsules can be emptied into water, chlorophyll or food, if they cannot swallow.
Research certainly shows that probiotics are helpful for colic, diarrhea, skin conditions, food allergies and immunity. 


5. Do you know why Liquid B12 has no b9? Has other b vit though.
B12 has some of the other B’s to avoid imbalance or deficiencies. We also have separate B6, B9, and B5 as some people need more of these. For something with ALL the B’s, then use B complex. Super Vits & Mins. is also a completely balanced daily with all B’s. Same formula used for 40+ years, because it works & herbal base makes it very absorbable, so don’t let small numbers fool you – it’s a better formula than most “mega” vit & min formulas.


6. Also the difference between calcium products.
Personally I think Skeletal Support is excellent because it contains boron. This formula has been available and popular in the US for several years; relatively recently approved in Canada. But I have had many clients who have had terrific results with all NSP Calciums – people seem to get their favourites. I have had people with leg cramps, restless legs, or high pH acidity taking other Cal Mag supplements without results – they take ours and notice a difference usually within a week. Again, it is about the absorption and bio-availability for which NSP has stringent standards.
We also have straight herbal calcium formulas which some people prefer for infants and seniors, and works specifically for use in hot flashes, but that is another topic. They are in capsule form and can be made into tea by opening the capsule. NSP offers many different strokes for different folks!
Thanks for your support. RM

Success with “terminal” cancer

This story has just been shared from another practitioner, who uses the same basic Paw Paw Program as in my book,  including the extra nutritional shake recipes in book and on this website.
I am not saying 100 capsules per day are usually necessary, especially if taking NSP nutritious shakes, but for obviously “terminal” cancer, a real commitment to live is required.

Once people have undergone the medical route of cut, burn and poison, cancer often returns more aggressively, as the stems cells where cancer originates, are stimulated by these routes.

This is a remarkable testimony to what the body CAN accomplish with therapeutic nutrition.

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:25 AM, DR wrote:

“Our guest speaker last night was Joan. Her husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer, then liver cancer, lung cancer and kidney cancer.
He did all the conventional treatments and all failed. He was deteriorating to the point that he was sent to the Respite and given 3 weeks to live. This is when Joan took action. Each day she gave him 2 high dense nutritious Nature’s Sunshine super food smoothies and each day she organized herbs for the liver, prostate, kidney, and lungs along with the Paw Paw program. He was taking 100 capsules a day. Within 2 weeks there was a notable improvement. He was walking again and he was released from the Respite, Within 6 weeks he was on the golf course and within 6 months all signs of cancer in the lungs, liver , kidney and prostate were gone! When you take nutrition beyond sustenance levels it becomes therapeutic and heals your body!!”

As explained in my book, no one can offer a  definitive “cure” for cancer, arthritis, diabetes, CVD or any “disease”. However, one CAN offer the body, mind and spirit the tools that it requires to heal itself. It is up to the body, the person, the mind, and probably more that science will never understand to overcome a disease. We all eventually die, but life extension and quality of life while living are always improved by providing nutrition as one of the first tools. And the sooner the better. Ideally before the body is damaged with chemical toxins (chemotherapy). The above story exemplifies what amazing healing capacity the body does possess.

If you know someone dealing with cancer who would like to consider the Paw Paw Program, they can contact our office to order the book, the correct therapeutic quality nutrition, including Paw Paw Cell Reg at direct prices, and  for professional guidance.


Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper

Nov. 2018 Update: Same product, same quality, name changed from CureQMin BP to Turmeric Curcumin, for ease of identification.

Cindy Klement, Master Nutritionist presented at the Canadian NSP Herbal  Conference. We learned that the new Turmeric Curcumin contains  a concentrated extract from the fruit of black pepper, piper nigrum. This increases  the absorption of the concentrated curcuminoids  from turmeric and therefore the effectiveness  by 2000%. There is no Turmeric on the market that competes with this Nature’s Sunshine brand. The curcuminoid content of 2 capsules equals as much as 200 of some competitor brands, when tested by approved independent labs.

I love Nature’s Sunshine products as they are the most superior herbal products on the market. Turmeric has been studied for powerful properties that have a beneficial effect on pain and inflammation of all types. This article on Herbs Are Effective – 5000 years of science highlights some studies.

Each capsule contains Curcuma longa (curcumin) rhizome 550 mg, Piper nigrum (black pepper) fruit extract (50:1) 2.5 mg.

The 50:1 means it is concentrated 50 times.

Please contact Benoit Health Education to order the best at the best prices, whichever country you live in; we can guide you to optimum health!

Q & A? Can I take…..with Paw Paw Program?

This is one of the most common questions I get asked by those using the Paw Paw Program to heal and or prevent cancer, so it is updated on a regular basis

Can I take tumeric, can I take curcumin, can I take Red Raspberry Seed extract, can I take  aged Garlic? Can I take Beta Glucans form  XYZ Company? Can I take quercertin, citrus pectin, coconut oil capsules, cayenne, EGCG (from Green Tea), polyphenols, resveratrol…… the list and options can be extensive and are limitless!

In our experience, because there is so much information available on the net and so many different choices, people are overwhelmed and want to take every thing that is promoted as being helpful for cancer. This is one reason why, in my book, The Paw Paw Program, I devote almost 20 pages of Chapter 2 to discuss other successful and useful herbs, supplements, and protocols. However, after using many of these myself and with clients in my professional practice for almost 35 years, it is also why I wrote the book explaining specific research, actions and program for Paw Paw, Asimina triloba. It is because this is what myself, other researchers and practitioners have found to be the most effective combination.

The therapeutic program in The Paw Paw Program addresses the causes for cancer, and the necessary steps to correct those causes, while rebuilding the the immune system and saturating the body with complete nutrition to enable it to heal and to stay healthy. This means, in a nutshell:

  • determining the cause of injury
  • stopping inflammation
  • healing infection
  • eliminating toxins  via kidneys, colon, skin, lungs
  • ensuring circulation so nutrients reach every cell of the body for healing

To do this, we start with the basic Paw Paw program. This article includes specific recommendations for dosages and timing.

For those who wish to add more to the basic program, we have found those therapeutics listed in the Paw Paw Program Upgrade to be the most beneficial. These nutritional combinations are more effective than all the separate supplements that can be added, such as those I list at the beginning, or any other numerous options. These MAY all be good supplements, if they are quality products; however the additional ones I list in the above article and  in my book  are more specific to support the body to overcome disease with this program.

After E-Tea (the original Essiac formula) and Pau D’Arco recommended in the Paw Paw Upgrade, I would add Cat’s Claw Combination then Colostrum. Here is one excerpt recently received  from a  co-worker who is also very successful with cancer.

 All diseased conditions are caused by inflammation. Quality Colostrum binds toxic lectins, which can be one source of inflammation. Colostrum is a whole food, able to regulate blood sugar levels.  It increases bone and lean muscle mass. It regenerates the neurotransmitters of the brain.  Colostrum regenerates and accelerates the growth of aged and injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nervous tissue. Colostrum is an anti-aging food.

Dr. Shealy says, “By heating it above 140 degrees, Colostrum loses all its potency”.

Colostrum from Nature’s Sunshine is not heated which makes it live and anti-aging.

A separate note on Beta Glucans. Yes, they are compatible with the Paw Paw Program, as the actions do not promote ATP production, plus contribute to the immune system’s ability to slow tumour growth via anti-angiogenesis; similar actions to  Paw Paw Cell Reg, Asimina triloba. They work by binding to receptors on macrophages and other white blood cells and activating them. 

I find if one can get any supplement or nutrition, including beta glucans, in a whole, natural form, it is better assimilated by the body. This is  why NSP offers it in several products, all derived from plant/herb sources.

Beta glucans are a component of Colostrum – another reason Colostrum is recommended. Beta glucans are also included in one of our Super Foods, Nature’s Harvest (which can be added to your blender shake) and  Beta Glucans are also found in Reishi Mushroom, Lycium and Schizandra, which are all found in Mineral Chi Tonic, part of the Basic Program. In the US, Beta glucans are also found in Immune Simulator, from Maitake mushrooms.

I believe that when one sources  nutrition from a whole plant, rather than as an extracted  isolate supplement, the body can digest it better and utilize it better.  The body resonates with whole plant energy more than with a isolated parts. This has been proven through the centuries. This is why vitamins and minerals that are in  a whole herbal, food base are much better utilized even if much lower dosages.

So bottom line, do not worry about taking everything you will hear about online and on the news- if you are following the recommendation in The Paw Paw Program, you are on the right track to discovering the World IS Round already!

According to Dr. Jerry McLaughlin, the world’s expert on Paw Paw, Asimina triloba, the only proven antagonists are those that increase ATP production, such as CoQ10. This is because reduction of ATP to rapidly growing cells such as cancer,  is one of the 4 primary mechanisms by which Paw Paw is effective.  We recommend to not take CoQ10 at the same time as Paw Paw, as it increases ATP production, therefore is counter-productive. After studying with  Dr.  McLaughlin personally, I trust his research and have had results!

As studies  and research on Turmeric Curcumin BP with Piper nigrum, a concentrate form of turmeric, show conclusive positive effects on reversing cancer, it can be a healthful addition. Besides anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, turmeric helps improve intestinal microbiome, and can help reduce pain.

Be sure to use one that contains enough curcuminoids, the active ingredient, to help!  We use a standardized concentrate. This means 2 vegi-capsules equal 1.4 pounds of whole turmeric root. For comparison, you might need 50 -200 capsules of regular turmeric capsules to have this potency, or try eating 1.4 pounds per day?!

Re-read the dietary recommendations, get those Super Shakes happening with some good quality protein such as nuts and Nature’s Harvest and enjoy getting healthier day by day. Blessings!

UPDATE 2018:

You may also want to read Contra-Indicated Medications and Supplements with Paw Paw.

Please contact our office if you would like to order Paw Paw or other health supplements. Besides the best price,  we offer a direct account with discount and our support and personalized service.

Buying “Paw Paw Cell Reg” from Amazon is NOT advisable under ANY circumstances–even if it appears to be the same product. We have heard reports of tampered product, outdated product, or even fake product. In the words of one communication from the manufacturer–when you buy from Amazon, Ebay, and the like, you are essentially buying from an electronic yard sale.