Category Archives: Success Stories

Success Stories: Lungs, Excema, Digestion and Business

Please Note:
To get more information or to order any natural products mentioned,

please CONTACT  Lorene Benoit Health Education, or an NSP Consultant who referred you to this site. We can make sure you get:

  • the best supplement for you
  • the best price – 20-25% discount with NO obligations
  • free shipping & handling
  • professional advice


M.N.  had not been feeling well for 5 days:

cold moving into her lungs which are susceptible to bronchitis.  Started on Lobelia that night and 2 doses the next day as well as rubbing it on her chest, throat and ears (she has had tinnitis for years, too).
She started feeling better in less than 24 hrs with just 3 doses!

Lara B. had poor digestion and severe eczema on hands for years.

She started Cat’s Claw Combination 2-3x a day, Protease Plus 1-3x/day on an empty stomach, daily super food shake with Collatrim, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Flax Hull Lignans, berries, spinach and Solstic Energy.  Did separate bowel, kidney, liver cleanses and went off all grains, legumes dairy, sugar and night shades.  Digestion improved in 2-3 weeks and eczema cleared up in 8 weeks.  10 months later she is still following the diet and super food shake 1x/day.  Eczema and digestion is 98% better as long as this protocol is followed.


Lucy T. Dec 2000 – I was so unwell I couldn’t even focus to cook…..major depressive disorder, 3rd stage adrenal exhaustion, severe cognitive loss.

Sept 2001, I started Chinese Medical School and in May 2003 , I became an Associate with Nature’s Sunshine Products. I was attracted to their Chinese formulas, a perfect adjunct to my shiatsu.  I have learned so much and love being able to inspire others improve their health because of these world-class pharmaceutical grade herbs and nutrition!

I have seen so many people repair their bodies and benefit with NSP’s Life – saving therapeutic supplements. I am also living proof; it has changed my health, my career and my life !


I thank all those who share their successes with me. If you want to share your natural health success,based on NSP products, dietary changes as suggested in Lorene Benoit’s book:  The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally,  or a consultation with Lorene Benoit, please comment on our blog under the appropriate topic, or contact our office with your specifics. Believe in your ability to heal with the gifts nature has given us!




Thanks Lorene for bringing this expert  to Vancouver Island. We found Dr. McLaughlin’s talk to be most informative and plan to purchase a bottle of the Paw Paw with our next order.  Want to make a cream paste for skin challenges!

I think we must have told you about our friend who was diagnosed with lymph cancer in the neck and thyroid area about 6 years ago.  His surgery was scheduled for about 5 weeks down the line, so we got him first on the black walnut for a couple of weeks, then on the Paw Paw and Protease Plus for the remaining weeks only stopping a couple of days prior to the surgery.  He had a few treatments after of chemo….but 6 years after, there is no cancer!!!

S& M, Victoria, BC.


I have been feeling very low energy for months, and doctors cannot find anything wrong other than an elevated temperature; so they thought it might be a low grade viral infection. After hearing Dr. McLaughlin speak about how effective Paw Paw is against bacteria, viruses, parasites and cancer, I purchased a bottle of Paw Paw to see if this would help. With only 1 capsule, this was the first time I have slept through the night, without having to get up for bathroom, in over 30 years! Within 2 days I was feeling an increase in energy, and I am starting to feel stronger evach day. I am only taking 1 with breakfast and one with dinner.

I feel like the Paw Paw is gently clearing built up toxins, virus, or any other type of infection from every part of my body. I have been sharing the benefits of Paw Paw with a  lot of people who I think can benefit from this herb, not just those with cancer!

C.L, Victoria, BC



Q&A – Recurring Bladder Infections

This was a response to a comment on a previous blog entry on Bladder Infections.  I felt this is a challenge that many women deal with, so deemed it important enough to address in more detail.


I was at my doctor and I have yet another infection (she didn’t say what it was but sending me to a bladder specialist).  I have been doubling up on my probiotics and taking the Cranberry Buchu for a couple of weeks now but still have it.  The doctor didn’t even offer antibiotics which totally surprised me.
Is there anything else I can try?  Its not a urine infection as there is no urge to pee and it doesn’t hurt or sting…it feels like really bad period cramps and it must be bladder or she wouldn’t be getting me to see the specialist.             CW


NOTE: Please contact Lorene directly if links do not work.

In our experience, Cranberry Buchu is excellent for PREVENTING bladder or urinary tract infections, as the Buchu makes the mucous membrane of urethra and bladder lining slippery, so bacteria cannot adhere, and the cranberry acidifies, which you need for the bladder.

I have a female client in her 80’s who suffered bladder infections regularly for over 50 years. Since she cleared up her infection, and takes 1-2 Cranberry Buchu capsules every day as a preventative, she has not had one in over 7 years, so for most people it works. She considers this WELL worth not getting the infections that plagued her for years.

However, I don’t feel this alone will get rid of infection once it is established. Stronger herbals with antibiotic actions, such as Golden Seal Echinacea liquid  or capsules or Silver Guard (also available 4x larger size for less than 3Xs price: used as a douche and internally may be required.

heck out our past blog on Bladder Infections for more tips on prevention.

From the pain you are describing and the fact that you have been referred to a specialist, you may be dealing with a kidney stone, so read this past article on Kidney Stones, a kidney infection or cystitis.

If you wish us to pursue this further, while you are waiting to see the specialist, feel free to set up a consultation, or while you are waiting try a double dosing of either of the Golden Seal-Echinacea. Like most herbal antibiotics, there will be no negative side effects as with chemical antibiotics,and you will likely feel improvement no matter what the diagnosis.

Your probiotics are a good idea for preventative health, and to help re-establish friendly bacteria AFTER chemical antibiotics, but again, they do not necessarily treat an existing infection. Make sure you are taking probiotics on an empty stomach for best effect, and that you keep them either refrigerated or in freezer – depending on how many you take and how long one bottle lasts.

Also, we work with 5 different pro-biotic  and pre-biotic formulas. Three of the most popular are: Bacillus Coagulans , Bifidophilus Flora Force,  or ProBiotic 11. Read benefits of each of these and perhaps  change up whichever one you are using, just to give your body the full range.

Along with the herbs, clean up the diet, eliminate ALL sugar, drink plenty of pure water, (more than your recommended ½ oz. per pound of body weight), add fresh lemon, lime and or Chlorophyll to help alkalinize the blood, and get adequate rest. Many suggestions for healthful lifestyle including diet, stress, exercise and recipes are in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.


Products linked are CA; please contact us for US prices. Also feel free to contact Lorene Benoit for free 10 minutes assistance in choosing your optimum supplements. We will place orders or set up discount membership accounts for you at no charge – personal, professional service!

We have used these products successfully both personally and professionally since 1985. For many reasons – primary one? They work!

Osteopenia? Osteoporosis ? Tips for Increasing Bone Density – Part 1


I’d like to share with you results that Nature’s Sunshine Science Director shared with us a couple of years ago at the Canadian Annual Herbal Conference,  that shows results for a super food truly beneficial for bone mineral density.  Nature’s Sunshine introduced Nature’s Gold in October of 2005.  An NSP Manager shared  her bone density test results taken 5 years apart and after one year taking the Nature’s Gold.


Measurement                   Before Nature’s Gold           After 1 Yr. on N.G.

Bone Density Spine L2-L4              0.988 g/cm2                 1.165 g/cm2

Compared to young adult                     – 18%                     -3%

Age of subject                                      57 yrs.                    62 yrs.

Bone age                                             64 yrs.                    49 yrs.

State of bone                                   Osteoporotic            Normal  compared                                                        – risk of fracture           to young adult


These results show that at age 57, this person has the bones of a 64 yr. old, that she was osteoporotic and in danger of developing fractures. Five years later, after one full year on Nature’s Gold, at the age of 62, this person had the bones of a 49 year old! 
Now these are incredibly dramatic results, with none of the side effects of the strongly promoted alendronate type drugs, i.e. Fosamex. (see separate article on Osteoporosis Tips Part 2).

Besides increasing bone mineral density, Nature’s Gold has also shown positive results for increase in lean muscle mass.

Other  Research and Benefits of Nature’s Gold

Nature’s Gold was first developed as chicken feed, and it produced amazing results.  The chickens had a weight increase due to a healthier appetite.  They grew heavier but leaner, had more protein and muscle mass, and there were significant improvements in their heart strength, bone density and red and white blood cell counts.

Now those are all excellent indicators of improved health, so the question became, will these results translate into humans?  And the answer is yes, absolutely!

Intestinal Healing

One of the biggest benefits we have seen is an immediate improvement in intestinal health.  The cells that line the intestine are among the fastest-growing in our bodies, and good intestinal health depends on this regeneration.  The problem is that after the age of 25 or so, this regeneration slows down and the intestine is actually starting to die off.

Nature’s Gold keeps the intestinal regeneration extremely high which leads to a host of  benefits.

Nutritional Assays of Nature’s Gold Benefits

The abundance of beneficial nutrients in Nature’s Gold is generally not found in the standard modern diet.

Because of its unbeatable digestibility, Nature’s Gold can transport more amino acids and nutrients into our cells. Giving our cells the essential nutrients they need enables our bodies to heal and get rid of toxins effectively.  When you’re driving nutrients in, you’re driving toxins out. This increases the overall efficiencies of the body, and you’ll find that your herbs and supplements actually become more effective.

Nature’s Gold also has dramatically increased Superoxide Dismutase levels over normal barley. SOD is a very powerful antioxidant enzyme that helps neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage that can lead to moderate and severe health concerns.

Nature’s Gold comes in two formulations. Many people start with Nature’s Gold I and increase to Nature’s Gold II (denser nutrient) for the 2nd container. Please note that one should start gradually; we suggest 1/2 tsp. daily, increasing each week up to 2 Tablespoons, to avoid eliminating toxins too quickly, which can cause discomfort.

Nature’s Gold is easy to take, in a shake or smoothie, sprinkled in yogurt , muesli, or on fruit, or taken straight in water or juice.

Those with celiac start very slowly. Due to organic barley being the source, it cannot be classsed as gluten free. However,  as this is made from the sprouts of barley, some improvement in bowel condition is usually noticed within 3 months, or sooner, for most intestinal challenges.

Of course other calcium supplementation options are available, these will be covered in Part 2.

Of course, one must take into account overall health principles and lifestyle recommendations. In Lorene Benoit’s 2nd Edition of her book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, she details this in a chapter , The 4 Pillars of Health. Included in her book are tips for  exercise – essential for preventing osteoporosis, and healthy diet suggestions, with recipes, emotional health and Super Foods.

Should you wish to have wholesale access any of the same quality supplements we have used over 23 years to help thousands of people achieve optimum health, please email our office at, or contact us via our website.



Q & A: and Success with Psoriasis

Note: due to continually changes to meet FDA & Health Canada regulations , as well as NSP internal Quality controls, links change. Please contact author for product details, and to help you get discount ordering .



Good morning Lorene:  I just wanted to mention to you that I have been doing the Bod-E-Klenz (US only) for the past couple of weeks or so and my psoriasis seems to have improved significantly.  I still have the psoriasis but I would say there is about an 80% improvement.  Seems more than a coincidence to me!

I would like your advice on how often I can do these cleanses or can you perhaps suggest something similar that would help me to maintain these results.  I am also taking the Magnesium Complex – one capsule 2 times a day.  I’m very happy about this improvement with my skin, I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks Lorene, have a wonderful day! AP


Very glad to hear this! 80%  improvement in 2 wks. means you are responding very quickly, so I assume you must be doing some positive dietary changes as well while on the cleanse. You will want to continue lots of vegies and salads once you are finished. The Magnesium will also be helping to relax any anxiety that may be involved.

Bod-E-Klenz is properly balanced in a 2 to 1 ratio Building and Cleansing: the breakfast & lunch packets build and tone digestive and eliminative organs.  Formulas like Master G contain  herbs to nourish the glandular system as well as some vitamins & minerals. The pm packet is cleansing. This is one reason you can do this cleanse safely for 30 days. In this case, I would probably take a break of 2 wks. to 1 month, then do another Bod-E Klenz. In the interim, I would drink lots of Chlorophyll, and follow the dietary and lifestyle suggestions as suggested in my book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

Success with Staph Infection and Oregon Grape

Hello Lorene and Helga. Helga thank you so much for your phone call. It meant a lot to me.
My hands have not cleared completely but a Dr. Shaw (Dr of internal medicine) told me that the silver and Oregon grape stopped the infection on sores  from getting worse.
I have been diagnosed with Porphyria cutanea tarda. My father and brother had the same thing. I went to hospital today and had 3 ltrs of blood removed from my body. This procedure will take place every 2 weeks.  My body lacks the ability to rid itself of iron.  When sores appeared they got infected with staph.  So I was misdiagnosed from beginning. They feel that menopause  along with me using tanning booth all summer awakened this condition. I had 10 times normal iron levels in my blood.
I have never been to tanning salon before and must say I will NEVER again. thankfully my liver was only mildly inflamed.
Can you recommend a good liver cleanse?
No words can thank you for all your help. I love oregon  grape!!  Because of it doctor could write me a note saying I was not infectious. Then I went back to work. I will keep you updated.

Thank you!!!    P.L., BC

NSP Quality by Design Makes the Difference

There IS a difference between brands of health supplements. That’s not an opinion, it’s a fact based on consistent, reproducible scientific evidence. And user feedback – see a few examples below.

Did you know that the raw materials returned by NSP to its suppliers are sold to other supplement manufacturers, who do not do their own quality control ?

Are you paying for fillers? NSP Products are well known for their strict demand of pure product from the grower to you. They have a direct relationship with all their suppliers, farmers and wild crafted harvesters from every corner of the globe – so they can get the best quality with highest active ingredients. The source can change as climate or other conditions change, which is why they conduct over 150 meticulous tests with every batch they receive, even from 40 year suppliers.

NSP also tests every phase of the production process up to the finished product. No other company has this ability or history! Please watch this 3 minute video to see how this process makes a difference!

Maybe you are spending less or more for brand “C” , but you can’t tell the quality from reading the label. What is your health worth?   Do you want  peace of mind to know that every Nature’s Sunshine product is potent and pure?  Don’t gamble with your health or your money.

In our years of clinical practice we have seen consistent results with NSP. Here are a few that stand out above and beyond:

  • LBS, a Lower Bowel formula,  that really works short and long term to get your bowel functioning properly
  • Magnesium – different combinations for bowel, muscle relaxer, bone health
  • Capsicum to stop bleeding and disinfect deep cuts or puncture wounds
  • Oregon Grape to eliminate staph infections faster than prescription antibiotics with NO side effects
  •  Cranberry Buchu to treat and prevent bladder infections
  • Skeletal Strength for healthy bones
  • Women’s Formula to  regulate menses, decrease cramping and overall just balance whacky hormones
  • F.E. (Flash Ease) to help balance out menopausal symptoms
  • EverFlex with Devil’s Claw and Hyaluronic Acid for joint support
  • Tei Fu Oil for immediate first aid for sore throats, stuffy nose or sinus, motion sickness, breath freshener, insect bites and stings, nuasea, headache – yes! all this in a tiny bottle that lasts forever!
  • Paw Paw Cell Reg (Asimini triloba) the herb that inhibits rampant cell growth – stronger and safer natural chemotherapy.

These are just a few examples – take a look for yourself at some of the hundreds of health products available from Nature’s Sunshine Products.

Contact our office for specifics and or check here to make sure you get a discount membership, so YOU can get herbs from the same reliable source as the professionals. And, if you want to earn some income by helping others help themselves, please consider NSP as an amazing  business. We are here to support you.



Pneumonia and Lung Healer-Chinese

Paul has had pneumonia every year for 20 years – usually in November. Lorene Benoit recommended that after the antibiotics he was on again, he take LH-C  to build up his lungs so they do not keep re-infecting, along with Lobelia to clear the congestion, thin the mucous and stop the coughing.

Within a couple of days he finally started feeling better. Since then, a few months now, whenever he gets congestion he takes 10 drops of Lobelia and it works like a miracle – he coughs up a bunch of stuff and is good to go. He is going to sstart on some LH-C again to hopefully prevent another infection this year.

PS, Mill Bay, BC

HRP-C and VS-C work for all viruses

This original testimonial was posted in 2012, but the times they are a changing, and I have updated tor these “unprecedented” times.

Herpes cold sores – gone!

I had a herpes cold sore that I had been grappling with for 2 weeks, using -l-Lysine  (US ) and several other nutritional supplements.  After taking the Chinese course, I went home & took HRP-C (CA) or VS-C (for ViruS US).  After 8 capsules the cold sore was gone, completely gone!  I thank my teacher for the reminder that this is the best formula for ALL viruses! … T.N., Chemainus, BC, Oct. 2012


Viral Protection? Balancing Natural Immunity?

It’s helpful to know protective tools whether you  have been been injected or not with what is being called a covid “vaccine”. To promote this, the govt. changed the definition of a vaccine. To be clear,  but this injection is an  experimental gene technology is a first of its kind, and research results are showing that immunity is nowhere near as effective or lasting as we were told.

Not to mention the unreported side effects: “I Am NOT Misinformation”.                              See end of this article for additional supporting medical references.

Natural Protective Aids

We keep both these formulas on hand:
Canada: HRP-C  and Cat’s Claw
US:           VS-C     and   Una de Gato

Both are anti-viral/ anti-bacterial formulas and both can safely be taken long term.  We keep these  as part of our home pharmacy.

Anytime any cold, flu symptoms  appear, we can quickly give the body the nutritional aid it requires to prevent or mediate challenges and return to a healthy state quickly.
We take HRP-C / VS-C –  2-3 caps 3 times/day (100 per bottle) or 2.5 ml liquid extract  3 times/day.

IN US there is also a VS-C TCM concentrate, which would be 1/3 dosage.

Cat’s Claw / Una de Gato: 1-2 caps 3 times/day.

Most people notice an improvement within 24 hours.

HRP-C or Cat’s Claw Combination can also be taken as a prophylactic, or preventative in smaller dosages.

For further protective steps, read: Pine Needle Protection for Viral Transmission, which includes NB facts on the Benefits  of PACs in High Potency Grapine:, especially for heart, strokes, circulation and brain.


As  many viruses affect the respiratory system – lungs, bronchials, sinus, we also keep these two on hand to have when needed:

CA: LH-C and Lobelia

US: Lung Support TCM Concentrate and Lobelia


For suggestions to follow during a health or disease crisis, please read :           Crisis Management
Additional Medical and Science Based  References.

Specific antibodies created by these shots are much more short lived than predicted.  At the same time, they  weaken the innate immune system’s ability to produce antibodies for other viruses, such as all the “variants” developing. Nothing new, that’s what viruses do, including every annual flu variant – they mutate for their own survival.

The major difference between natural antibodies and artificially produced antibodies is their ability to adapt to be effective. if you are around those who have taken the Experimental Jab, or if you have been convinced/coerced to take it, you may choose to protect yourself, as many are doing.

There are too many reports of adverse reactions, not only from  those who have received the jab, but also those who come into contact with them. This can no longer be denied.  Doctors and scientists worldwide are warning people, at great risk to their own financial and personal health.

This 28 min. video includes doctors from 10+ different countries each speaking concisely about their reasons for concern:

Can also viewed on Rumble: Urgent warnings of Covid 19 Vaccine

At 20 mins. Dr. K Brogan quotes: “This is penetration of Body, Mind and Spirit by the State.”

Do you trust GMO, bio-lipid nano-particles being promoted by pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, yet have NO liability? If you still do, please read: Just Ask Why?

Please, educate yourself before allowing this clot shot to enter the bloodstream of your children! This is NOT a reversible decision; make it out of LOVE, not FEAR.


As always, Contact us to help you order any products we have used since 1985 at direct discount. Professional service with a HUMAN being.



July Natural Health Newsletter



For information to help you achieve optimum health, please contact our office:

Phone:       250-748-6802


** please use this email for all correspondence **



Lorene Benoit’s book contains lifestyle tips for optimum health, as well as specifics for Cancer: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally

Ongoing special for books, which offers excellent tips for health prevention, as well as solutions for cancer. Buy 3 get 1 free. Contact our office.


 Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link: 

Herbal Intensive 2012 a Success! 

Bi Polar Natural Aids

Diet for Cancer… and Creation of Optimum Health

Plus two Success Stories:

Ear Infection in Infant and Silver Guard

NSP Silver Guard and Gel for eliminating thrush

Success Stories

We encourage you to share your stories with others on our website or via email. Success stories can be read at:

Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health.

Watch this 3 minute video :


Office Clearance of Herbal Education: I am letting go of my collection of audio and VHS lectures, CRA training, Tree of Light Herbal Hours – about 3 pages cataloged, that go back to 1980. It is time for clearing out and I hope I have most of this great education stored somewhere in my brain computer. If anyone wants any of this information, email me with subject: “Education resources list”. If you are local, we can arrange pick-up. If mailing out, you will just have to pay postage. Or, for those attending Convention in Toronto in October, we may be able to bring with us.

 Business Coaching and Brilliant Body

There is ongoing coaching to help others start their own business using the Brilliant Body CD’s!  The package includes 10 Power Points and all the tools to educate yourself and others on how your body works – all this for only $25! Phone the office anytime for help!

Vaccination Awareness

A new vaccine was just announced in the US, which combines two more vaccines for 2 month old babies. This brings the total to about 9 vaccines to be injected into a baby’s blood before 6 months; suggesting to give them ALL at the same time! Unfortunately for future generations NO studies have been done to determine the long term effects on a child’s immune system by assaulting them with things like formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, chicken eggs, viruses and other foreign toxins.

In the natural health field, we DO see children becoming less resistant to basic germs due to weaker immunity. At the same time there is an increase in allergies to everything, in learning and behavioral challenges, and an increase in autism.

Before you dumb your child down with unproven vaccines, that ‘may’ offer ‘some’ immunity for ‘some’ time (although no scientists are really sure how much, or how long), please study the issues. Also for adults, especially seniors, who are often frightened into annual flu shots, only to get sick within the month. However, if they die, well…. they were old, right? Then of course there are the scams we know have happened where vaccines such as the swine flu have caused more deaths than they have prevented….. I could go on, but suggest instead that you do your own research. Contact our office for a list of excellent websites to start your own research, and check out some tips on our website for Safe Vaccine Alternatives.









Upcoming Courses in Cowichan Valley – sneak previews – mark the dates – details to follow:

Free Paw Paw Program Presentation

Thursday Sept. 13th 6:30-7:30 pm     South Cowichan Library Mill Bay

The Four Pillars of Health, Mon Oct 15th.  7 pm to 9:30 pm at Island Savings

Chinese Herbs and Constitutions – in Nanaimo in late Sept. or October

 National Health Convention, Toronto – Oct.25-27th



 For Canadians the current six week campaign offers 10 % off or Buy 3 get 1 free, for a  selection of Digestive Aids, Summer Cold Relief,  Safe Personal and Home Cleaning Products, Pain relief and a few more to help ensure optimum health.

One of my 22 year favourites is Tei Fu Oil, useful for so many respiratory and pain relief benefits. See Success Story on Tei Fu Oil. Also Nature’s Sunshine’s Digestive Enzymes have helped so many people with GERD  belching, bloating, and burping.

These specials run July 22nd – August 31st.

Dr. Kim Balas has recorded a Webinar, also available in a Power Point, on 3 of the products, Nature’s Fresh, Aloe Vera and Energ-V, which is available to all members at

Order by calling our office 250-748-6802 to help you locate a local Herb Specialist, or if you are a member call NSP at your country’s toll free number.

We are bringing back the old Herbasaurs Multi Vitamins Plus Iron. It will be labelled as a Sunshine Heroes product, hopefully back by September, ready for school start up.


How does Membership Benefit You?

Click here to find out How does  NSP Membership benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 Members receive great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, Free webinars and conference calls with professionals, coupon book, and weekly specials.

Members can access recorded sessions at: NSP resource Centre



The Sun Never Says

Even after all this time

The sun never says to the earth,

“You owe me”

Look what happens with a love like that?

It lights the whole sky.


Flash orchestra mob and choir 9th Symphony in Sabadella, near Barcelona, Spain. Wonderful!


Video Pick and Political Scene combined

Only 1 minute, 30 seconds – humourous and to the point. The Enbridge Pipeline is a disaster waiting to happen. Please make your voice heard before it is too late. Some experts have stated that the proposed location is purposely so ludicrously dangerous so when they decide to move it to Prince Rupert (which was original plan) we will all be happy. ARE Canadians that easily duped?????   

In BC you can contact Minister of the Environment

Dr. Terry Lake:   E-mail:

Phone: 250 387-1187 or 250 554-5413   Fax: 250 387-1356  or 250 554-5417

As this is a national issue, meaning BC may not really have any say in the decision, please also contact Stephen Harper:     Phone: 1-613-992-4211         Fax: 613-941-6900      E-mail:


Serving you in health,

Benoit & Associates Health Education


Ph/Fax    250-748-6802                  Email:
