Tag Archives: skin cancer

Skin Cancer and Paw Paw

Question from Vicki regarding treatment of skin cancer: “I have been treating skin cancer, basal cell with iodine with pretty good success but the cancer cells are very crafty and they are using my blood to move around my body.  I have just started drinking the juice from the mexican fruit guanabana.  I am getting significant better but I feel the cancer cells are not going to leave me alone.  What is this paw paw stuff?”

Thanks for your question Vicki,
Iodine is an effective adjunct to natural cancer treatment that I refer to in my book,The Paw Paw Program – A Christophere Columbus Approach to Cancer : The Worls IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally“. You’re right cancer cells ARE very crafty. Paw Paw is an extract from the twigs of the Asimina triloba tree, and it is very effective at stopping crafty cancer cells. It works through 4 primary mechanisms of action:

  1. Inhibits ATP – Adenosine Tri Phosphate, part of energy cycle
  2. Prevents blood vessel growth: Anti-angiogenesis
  3. Depletes DNA RNA  (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid, Ribo Nucleic Acid
  4. Inhibits MDR ( Multiple Drug Resistant) efflux pump

This is explained in more detail on p. 91-94 of my book.

Re: Guanabana fruit:. Our best success working with strong antioxidant beverages has been with a product called Thai Go (Zambroza in Canada and other countries) . This super food has been tested by the Ford Cancer Research to increase death of cancer cells. This is also detailed in my book.

Please contact our office if you would like to order my book or to be able to purchase  the program directly from the company.