Tag Archives: hydration

Athletic Sports Drink – Healthy Gatorade Replacement

With summer in full swing, a healthy sports drink can help replace what we lose in duration exercise, especially in the heat. 

I hope that most health conscious athletes are aware that Gatorade and similar sports drinks are not really all that healthy! Ingredients such as sucrose (table sugar), dextrose, citric acid, sodium chloride (processed table salt), sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate,  chemical toxic sweeteners, flavoring and artificial coloring, brominated vegetable oil are not particularly good for us – especially in times of extreme  energy output.

Most of these drinks contain 30-40 grams of sugar,  which is 8-10 teaspoons! This is a definite no-no, especially for those who are not doing extended physical output to counter-act that large input. In short, these drinks can increase weight, tooth decay, high blood pressure, childhood obesity, hyperactivity, cancer and overall depleted health.

Low calorie or sugarless versions carry their own unhealthy consequences.

What about this as a sports drink? 
Pre Workout & During Workout:

Contains all the minerals, including extra Potassium, and adaptogenic herbs to help the body adapt to the stress of exercise, heat, dehydration & muscle exertion.

Ean Langille, ND used the following two mineral formulas as part of their recipe for the BC Extreme Biking Team many years ago, with excellent results.

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic (1 TBS)*

Essentials Liquid Minerals (1 TBS)* CA only . In US:  alternate is Vita  Wave Vits & Mins

2 cups of water

Optional: 1 scoop of  Protein powder – see several choices under Post Workout.

It is fantastic in the summer as ice can be added and blended.

* You can double either the Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, or Essentials Liquid Minerals instead of 1 Tbsp. of each. Both formulas contain the Essential Mineral blend with  60 trace minerals. The Chinese Mineral Chi tonic is higher in Potassium. Biofeedback machines consistently show that most people are Potassium deficient.  Chi Tonic also contains adaptogenic herbs, to help the body deal with stress and support the adrenal glands. We have seen consistently positive results with this product over the last 20+ years.

Many people boost with one of the following options. Try different ones and see which is your favorite:

  1. Add1 -2 tsp. (5-10 ml.) Ultimate GreenZone Bulk for added amino acids and alkalinizing.
  2.  Add 1 packet of Solstic Energy  for an extended energy boost . Provides 4-5 hours steady – no peaks & drops like most energy drinks. Or add 1 packet of Solstic Revive (in Canada Solstic Nutrition with 15 vitamins & Minerals). Add another 1-3 cups water per packet, depending on your personal taste preference.
  3.  Some people add 1/2 tsp. Himalayan or other unprocessed salt for extra minerals, such as sodium and magnesium, which can be depleted with perspiration.
  4. If you are prone to muscle cramping during long workouts, add several capsules of Magnesium Complex.


Post Workout

  1. Add 1 scoop of Collatrim Plus powder for increased structural support & protein for muscle recovery and rebuilding.
  2. Add 1 scoop of Protein Powder,  such as Nature’s Harvest.and drink within 30 minutes of strenuous exercise, to promote muscle toning & development.

*All NSP proteins are non GMO and properly processed for optimum assimilation.

The science and research jury is still debating on protein quantity required and when to take it. The ideal is to try different approaches and pay attention to your body. You are an individual, with your own blood type, body metabolism, age, workout preference.  Notice what works for you!

Please contact us for best prices and to order your optimum choices:

Benoit Health Education: 250-748-6802 OR  http://www.NaturalPathRemedies.com

To order online: TakeTheNaturalPath.myNSP.com

You will be given option of discount membership at no additional cost.

Most links in this article are for NSP US, but also available via NSP Canada in Canadian dollars and all are Health Canada approved, with NPN designation. Please feel free to contact us for assistance in either country!


Ean Langille, ND and Lynne Kildaw.: Total Wellness, BC

Do Protein Sports Drinks Work? https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/10/do-protein-sports-drinks-improve-performance/

To manage weight, it may matter when protein supplements are consumed: Purdue University: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180523160137.htm

Athletes and Protein: The Truth About Supplements: https://www.active.com/nutrition/articles/athletes-and-protein-the-truth-about-supplements