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World Council Health alert to parents of babies and small children

51 seconds: World Council for Health alert to parents of babies and small children.


One could say so much more about vaccines, but remember he Covid injections, including all the boosters are  NOT vaccines; they are genetic modification loaded with toxins.

The devastating effects on adults is bad enough.  Please do not do this to your child!

Contact us, or check this website further for ways to keep your children healthy Naturally and Safely:

Herbal Viral Protection for all Ages

Protect Your Children

Recurring Ear Infections Specifics for Children

Please share.

As mentioned, the COVid injections are not true vaccines. In addition, they have now been proven to be ineffective in preventing infection AND transmission of this cold/flu. They have more side effects that all other vaccines combined since the 1950’s!  The death rate world wide continues to grow daily.

You may be a believer in childhood vaccines, but reading previous Vaccine articles on this site , or referring to any of our References, will educate you more thoroughly.

Do you have any idea what is actually in vaccines? For a complete list, please look at the list prepared by CDC (Centre for Disease Control): https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

You will note this does not list ingredients for Cov injections, as the manufacturers have yet to disclose this information.

As all vaccine manufacturers are protected from all liability, this means YOU, the taxpayer, pays for the millions of dollars in damages annually. Our public health officials continue to turn a blind eye to the damages caused by the cumulative exposure to harmful vaccines. Cov Vax manufacturers, who supposedly dedicated themselves to “helping the world” have posted Billion dollars profits exceeding any previous year.

Multiple References are in most articles, as well as here: References