Tag Archives: Dr. Stephen Malthouse

Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children – Is There A Difference?

The Public have been asking for this study for decades…..finally…..

Dr. Paul Thomas,  a pediatrician for 35 years,  published a study Nov. 2020  titled “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. His study showed unvaccinated children in his practice were significantly healthier than those who were vaccinated.

His medical license was revoked Dec. 2020. Unfortunately  scientific inquiry and medical research have been increasingly censored, or labelled conspiracy, since 2020.*

His study involved a comparison  of 3,324 children Dr. Paul had seen in his practice from 2008 to 2019.  Of  these children 2,763 had been vaccinated with between 1 and 40 vaccines, while 561 had received no vaccines. The study revealed a clear curve:  the more vaccines a child received, the more chronic diseases they developed.

To summarize, this study showed that:

  • 5% of unvaccinated children had chronic health issues, while 50% of those vaccinated did.
  • 0% of those unvaccinated had diabetes, versus 10% of those vaccinated had diabetes.

The data compiled on these and many other diseases is quite compelling. You can read the full report on link in first sentence of this article.

The “official” stance on vaccines is that they are safe and effective. The “claim” is that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any side effects caused by the vaccines . This is called the Risk- Benefit ratio.

The Childrens’ Health Defence compiled a  collection of over 50 other studies….

These are published studies done by respected Medical researchers: many from  PubMed; others from Journal of Translational Science, Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, The Lancet, plus Nederlands researchers.

The  charts in this study  make it very easy to see the differences in health, comparing individuals who were vaccinated with those who were not. This raises serious questions about whether the risks ARE acceptable for the alleged benefits.

Hopefully it will cause you to pause and question if the risks are acceptable for  you, or your loved ones,  before you decide to take the next jab “to protect you”.

There are natural ways to maintain and regain a healthy immune system. Some articles that you may wish to look at are below. For any questions or specific assistance, or information about any broken links, many caused by censorship, please contact the author.

References and Further Research:

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Canadian Doctors Speak Out – Why NOT to Be Afraid of Covid – Safe Alternatives – 11 minutes

Tips to Make the Flu Fly Away – and other Infections

Crisis Management

What About Polio?

Safety & Effectiveness of MMR and Flu Vaccines?

Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccines Research, Websites, Books

* Not too surprisingly, but very unfortunately for truth seekers, Dr. Thomas’ study was quickly debunked by writers who are paid by several organizations to defame and dispute anything that does not fit the current political/medical/economic point of view. Read the studies provided here and make your own decisions and choices.

I prefer to think many people DO still have working brains and they should have the choice to read studies and decide what is valid. The SAME world wide research is available to EVERYONE on the internet – this is how science is supposed to evolve – by sharing theories and research!

What is now too often labelled “Conspiracy Theory” becomes accepted science years later….. round earth; chem trails (now labelled geoengineering), black holes , computers that fit into your hand (cell phones?), space ships, somatids, nano-particles, were all at one time a conspiracy theory, remember?