Tag Archives: COV-19

12 & 8 more Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic

I am grateful to these 12 respected experts for sharing their science about this alleged pandemic. The only reason I am spending my valuable time to share this is in the hope that it will help our world community to rise above fear and reach out to others to create a more positive world. Good things ARE happening when people stay at home and spend time with family. Turn off the bad news and play games, sing, cook, create, connect. Decrease exposure to EMF however you can, try to get into nature to ground yourself, and cultivate love, not fear.

At the end of these experts’ explanations, I share my opinion on why this illness is being blown into a panic that is going to impact us in far more serious ways than any illness could. Try to get to the end for an enlightening humour break.

Sorry this is long, you can skip a few and go to end for my analysis. I could have just put the link below, to shorten my post, but then you would have had to deal with all the ads.

Below is the list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives on media.

Here is link to 8 MORE  Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic April  17,2020.

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.

What he says:

We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day.

The government’s anti-COVID19 measures are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous . The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.

All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.

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Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is a German physician specialising in Pulmonology, politician and former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In 2009 he called for an inquiry into alleged conflicts of interest surrounding the EU response to the Swine Flu pandemic.

What he says:

Politicians are being courted by scientists…scientists who want to be important to get money for their institutions. Scientists who just swim along in the mainstream and want their part of it […] And what is missing right now is a rational way of looking at things.

We should be asking questions like “How did you find out this virus was dangerous?”, “How was it before?”, “Didn’t we have the same thing last year?”, “Is it even something new?”

That’s missing.

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Dr Joel Kettner s professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, former Chief Public Health Officer for Manitoba province and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases.

What he says: Read transcript of the CBC interview, which disconnected Dr. Kettner when he did not agree with their fear inciting slant.

I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don’t always know what they are. But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why.

I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that.

In Hubei, in the province of Hubei, where there has been the most cases and deaths by far, the actual number of cases reported is 1 per 1000 people and the actual rate of deaths reported is 1 per 20,000. So maybe that would help to put things into perspective.

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Dr John Ioannidis Professor of Medicine, of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science, at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. He is director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and co-director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).

He is also the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation. He was chairman at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine as well as adjunct professor at Tufts University School of Medicine.

As a physician, scientist and author he has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, data science and clinical research. In addition, he pioneered the field of meta-research. He has shown that much of the published research does not meet good scientific standards of evidence.

What he says: (this is linked to source for full article)

Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.

The one situation where an entire, closed population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its quarantine passengers. The case fatality rate there was 1.0%, but this was a largely elderly population, in which the death rate from Covid-19 is much higher.

Could the Covid-19 case fatality rate be that low? No, some say, pointing to the high rate in elderly people. However, even some so-called mild or common-cold-type coronaviruses that have been known for decades can have case fatality rates as high as 8% when they infect elderly people in nursing homes.

If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR tests, the number of total deaths due to “influenza-like illness” would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average.

– “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data”, Stat News, 17th March 2020

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Dr Yoram Lass is an Israeli physician, politician and former Director General of the Health Ministry. He also worked as Associate Dean of the Tel Aviv University Medical School and during the 1980s presented the science-based television show Tatzpit.

What he says:

Italy is known for its enormous morbidity in respiratory problems, more than three times any other European country. In the US about 40,000 people die in a regular flu season and so far 40-50 people have died of the coronavirus, most of them in a nursing home in Kirkland, Washington.

In every country, more people die from regular flu compared with those who die from the coronavirus.

…there is a very good example that we all forget: the swine flu in 2009. That was a virus that reached the world from Mexico and until today there is no vaccination against it. But what? At that time there was no Facebook or there maybe was but it was still in its infancy. The coronavirus, in contrast, is a virus with public relations.

Whoever thinks that governments end viruses is wrong.

– Interview in Globes, March 22nd 2020

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Dr Pietro Vernazza is a Swiss physician specialising Infectious Diseases at the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen and Professor of Health Policy.

What he says:

We have reliable figures from Italy and a work by epidemiologists, which has been published in the renowned science journal ‹Science›, which examined the spread in China. This makes it clear that around 85 percent of all infections have occurred without anyone noticing the infection. 90 percent of the deceased patients are verifiably over 70 years old, 50 percent over 80 years.

In Italy, one in ten people diagnosed die, according to the findings of the Science publication, that is statistically one of every 1,000 people infected. Each individual case is tragic, but often – similar to the flu season – it affects people who are at the end of their lives.

If we close the schools, we will prevent the children from quickly becoming immune.

We should better integrate the scientific facts into the political decisions.

– Interview in St. Galler Tagblatt, 22nd March 2020

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Frank Ulrich Montgomery is German radiologist, former President of the German Medical Association and Deputy Chairman of the World Medical Association.

What he says:

I’m not a fan of lockdown. Anyone who imposes something like this must also say when and how to pick it up again. Since we have to assume that the virus will be with us for a long time, I wonder when we will return to normal? You can’t keep schools and daycare centers closed until the end of the year. Because it will take at least that long until we have a vaccine. Italy has imposed a lockdown and has the opposite effect. They quickly reached their capacity limits, but did not slow down the virus spread within the lockdown.

– Interview in General Anzeiger, 18th March 2020

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Prof. Hendrik Streeck is a German HIV researcher, epidemiologist and clinical trialist. He is professor of virology, and the director of the Institute of Virology and HIV Research, at Bonn University.

What he says:

The new pathogen is not that dangerous, it is even less dangerous than Sars-1. The special thing is that Sars-CoV-2 replicates in the upper throat area and is therefore much more infectious because the virus jumps from throat to throat, so to speak. But that is also an advantage: Because Sars-1 replicates in the deep lungs, it is not so infectious, but it definitely gets on the lungs, which makes it more dangerous.

You also have to take into account that the Sars-CoV-2 deaths in Germany were exclusively old people. In Heinsberg, for example, a 78-year-old man with previous illnesses died of heart failure, and that without Sars-2 lung involvement. Since he was infected, he naturally appears in the Covid 19 statistics. But the question is whether he would not have died anyway, even without Sars-2.

– Interview in Frankfurter Allgemeine, 16th March 2020

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Dr Yanis Roussel et. al. – A team of researchers from the Institut Hospitalo-universitaire Méditerranée Infection, Marseille and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille, conducting a peer-reviewed study on Coronavirus mortality for the government of France under the ‘Investments for the Future’ programme.

What they say:

The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing.

This study compared the mortality rate of SARS-CoV-2 in OECD countries (1.3%) with the mortality rate of common coronaviruses identified in AP-HM patients (0.8%) from 1 January 2013 to 2 March 2020. Chi-squared test was performed, and the P-value was 0.11 (not significant).

…it should be noted that systematic studies of other coronaviruses (but not yet for SARS-CoV-2) have found that the percentage of asymptomatic carriers is equal to or even higher than the percentage of symptomatic patients. The same data for SARS-CoV-2 may soon be available, which will further reduce the relative risk associated with this specific pathology.

– “SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data”, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 19th March 2020

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Dr. David Katz is an American physician and founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center

What he says:

I am deeply concerned that the social, economic and public health consequences of this near-total meltdown of normal life — schools and businesses closed, gatherings banned — will be long-lasting and calamitous, possibly graver than the direct toll of the virus itself. The stock market will bounce back in time, but many businesses never will. The unemployment, impoverishment and despair likely to result will be public health scourges of the first order.

– “Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?”, New York Times 20th March 2020

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Michael T. Osterholm is regents professor and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

What he says:

Consider the effect of shutting down offices, schools, transportation systems, restaurants, hotels, stores, theaters, concert halls, sporting events and other venues indefinitely and leaving all of their workers unemployed and on the public dole. The likely result would be not just a depression but a complete economic breakdown, with countless permanently lost jobs, long before a vaccine is ready or natural immunity takes hold.

[T]he best alternative will probably entail letting those at low risk for serious disease continue to work, keep business and manufacturing operating, and “run” society, while at the same time advising higher-risk individuals to protect themselves through physical distancing and ramping up our health-care capacity as aggressively as possible. With this battle plan, we could gradually build up immunity without destroying the financial structure on which our lives are based.

– “Facing covid-19 reality: A national lockdown is no cure”, Washington Post 21st March 2020

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Dr Peter Goetzsche is Professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis at the University of Copenhagen and founder of the Cochrane Medical Collaboration. He has written several books on corruption in the field of medicine and the power of big pharmaceutical companies.

What he says:

Our main problem is that no one will ever get in trouble for measures that are too draconian. They will only get in trouble if they do too little. So, our politicians and those working with public health do much more than they should do.

No such draconian measures were applied during the 2009 influenza pandemic, and they obviously cannot be applied every winter, which is all year round, as it is always winter somewhere. We cannot close down the whole world permanently.

Should it turn out that the epidemic wanes before long, there will be a queue of people wanting to take credit for this. And we can be damned sure draconian measures will be applied again next time. But remember the joke about tigers. “Why do you blow the horn?” “To keep the tigers away.” “But there are no tigers here.” “There you see!”

– “Corona: an epidemic of mass panic”, blog post on Deadly Medicines 21st March 2020

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This list would have been impossible to build without Swiss Propaganda Research, an indispensable resource.

Another very worthwhile article putting statistics into perspective: Corona: the case numbers

Mar 14th , 2020 flu stats Canada: 40,101 cases (many or most? of those vaccinated).

Mar 27th, 2020 COV stats Canada: 5,434 cases of COV-19. Why were these draconian measures not taken during flu season? https://ipac-canada.org/influenza-resources.php



There are other enlightening links in the comments on my 1st and only other post: CoronaVirus Perspectives and Seven Simple Natural Aids

My opinion: This alleged pandemic

appears to be a front to frighten and distract people from issues not in alignment with government. Why might government be wanting to impose controls and deny constitutional rights?

Besides complex issues such as economic world control agenda, (One World Order), which is worthwhile to learn about from others who are more knowledgeable than me, there are 2 simple reasons that can be directly and quickly affected by this alleged pandemic. Two of the largest world-wide protests that have been growing in 2019 -2020 and that are troublesome to One World government/elite control agendas:

#1. mandatory vaccines and

#2. installation of 5G technology. 

There are many others, including economic debt, political alliances, trade agreements, pipelines, all being affected, but direct links to these first 2 are pretty basic.

Both of these are very dangerous to people and the environment, while both of these are very good for big business and population control. 

#1. Mandatory Vaccines: US, CA and other governments are giving billions of dollars to drug researchers to develop yet another vaccine full of toxins, and people will be so frightened by this pandemic that they will clamor for it. The public will also mount more hate and pressure against those who want freedom of choice in health choices. The result? More billions $ in the pockets of big pharma, investors, W.H.O., Bill Gates Foundation & other elites who own many vaccine patents.

This, despite the FACT that the billions already spent annually on flu vaccines results in 600,000-800,000 annual deaths – 40 times MORE than COV as of this date. Stats are never calculated or released as to how many people who die from the flu have been getting their shots annually. There IS no science to back their effectiveness, OR monitor the deaths the vaccines cause? Plus, as you have read above, many of the experts say that many alleged COV related deaths may just be the flu, as there is negligible post-mortem testing.

#2 5G: While schools are closed and people mandated to isolate and stay home, 5G is being installed in many schools throughout the US.and possibly Canada? Coincidence? Phone your local School District to see if this is happening in your area.

Interestingly, the more metals in humans, the worse they are negatively impacted by 5G EMFs. ALL vaccines contain mercury and or aluminum. Check out some reliable sources that link 5G directly to Coronavirus. One of the most concise is Dr. Cowan’s 10 min. video. 5G is also a method of crowd control, what Chinese are using for facial recognition, a huge privacy threat, and our biggest environmental climate crisis threat. If you are not aware of the negative impact of 5G , learn why some countries have banned 5G. Trudeau and Trump are ignoring science, pleas, petitions and protests for moratoriums. More progressive (mostly European) countries are listening to the science.

Canadian 5G news; impossible to get updates on where & when 5G is being installed. “After starting its rollout in January, Rogers has switched on Canada’s first live 5G network in the downtown cores of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.” https://www.engadget.com/2020-03-06-rogers-first-5g-network-in-canada-live.html

Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, the largest #s of Covid cases in Canada are in the 3 provinces with 5G: QC, ON & BC. 


Fear weakens people. Fear divides people. Knowledge empowers.

Open your mind to the possibility that this supposed pandemic is a govt. experiment to test how easily the public can be frightened into accepting new laws and losing freedoms “for their safety”. Plus a diversion to implement unpopular “progress”. This may make you wisely question the govt., and can help to eliminate the fear of contagion. Do not be complacent, keep vigilant about demanding a moratorium on 5G, and freedom of choice in health care.

Think twice before allowing constitutional rights to be stripped without question. Our parents and grandparents fought for those rights. I would like to maintain those freedoms for the next generations; I hope you do too!

You can be smart and sensible in maintaining a strong immune system, isolating yourself if sick (common sense). My previous article on Seven Simple Natural Aids for Corona may help. You can reach out and help friends or family who may need assistance, just take precautions that you would with the flu or cold.

You can enjoy spending time and interacting with family, stop watching the bad news on TV, decrease exposure to EMF however you can, try to get into nature and ground yourself, and cultivate love, not fear.

Do not lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis, have the aspect of the eagle, which from above, sees the whole, sees more widely. There is a social demand in this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand. The two go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we fall into fanaticism. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack of meaning.

Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You don’t help by being sad and without energy. Choose to be well, strong, and joyful. Maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation.


And as a joyful treat for anyone who has read this through to the end, enjoy these wise words from Pluto’s Perspective.

So once done with this posting, I am out to my garden to prepare for spring and new beginnings.  I hope this information will decrease your fear, stimulate you to question, think rationally, and enhance your immunity naturally.

Coronavirus Perspective and 7 Simple Natural Aids

Update Feb 24, 2022  

We have had excellent results and many “thank you’s” from those using our herbal anti-viral formula (# 5 below), the Lung Healer (# 6) when necessary, and Tei Fu Oil (# 7) for sore throat, head ache, digestive upset, sinus, lung bronchial congestion and achy body. Contact us for quick and discounted access to any of these, delivered to your door.

We also have obvious proof that the end goal of this flu fear is digitalizing  and controlling every man, woman and child on the globe. Canada’s sudden implementation and  of the Emergency Measure Act, was never justified except for condoning world shocking police violence against  peaceful protesters. The quick reversal  boils down to Canadians losing faith in the banking system, which is jeopardizing their plans to digitalize all Canadians.

You can read previous articles via:  Archives Covid Research

Update Mar 9, 2021

Almost one year since my first COVID post, and after thousands of hours of studying, I still agree with all that I wrote over the past year. I have been pleased to see these views of strengthening the natural immunity supported and documented by many doctors worldwide. The only difference is that I now get 20-50 emails per day relating to what is happening worldwide due to a globally driven inappropriate response to a  virus which has been blown entirely out of proportion.

My several posts since this first one give a lot of  different views, all backed by research. Apologies if some links don’t work, as scientific freedom of speech censorship IS a reality.  Anyone really open to a “different truth”, one that is science base versus fear based, can find the sources.

You can read all Covid articles written since March, 2019 via:  Archives Covid Research

Be sure to watch this 11 min. summary of Why NOT To Fear Covid,  by brave Canadian doctors.

Two natural aids which have unanimously come to the forefront for both prevention and  treatment that I did not mention in original post are Vitamin D3 and Zinc . I was trying to keep it simple, but in light of overwhelming new research, in addition to past wisdom re-surfacing,  these both bear mention.

Vitamin D3 has been known for years to increase immunity, prevent colds, and more. This article will give you more info on benefits of Vit. D

Zinc is recognized as an essential mineral for both taste and smell functions. Loss of smell (anosmia) and loss of taste (ageusia) are often early symptoms as well as after-effects of Covid. In addition, Zinc has been long known to increase immunity.

Please contact the author for sources of quality health products this author has used for since 1985, both personally and professionally.

Or, go to TakeTheNaturalPath.myNsp.com , choose your country and  use search bar in top right corner.

Original Post Mar 14, 2020

I am getting at least 3-5 emails per day about this virus and many intelligent questions about natural protection. There are many theories about origin and causes, including 5G & other increasing EMFs linked to all areas of outbreaks, that include historical ‘epidemics’ back to WWI when 1st overseas communication began; bio-warfare; political – economic driven agendas; and of course, more money for big pharma for more questionable vaccines*(too many links to put in here, some of interest listed below).

Going into fear or panic is detrimental to your health; probably more so than the ‘virus’ or disease itself. Stocking up on toilet paper??? If I was to stock up on anything it would be natural products to boost my immunity, anti-viral herbs, and herbs that support the respiratory system, not intestinal, and not toilet paper! 

SEVEN easy, effective precautions /natural solutions are: 

  1. Keep your immune system strong with good diet, (lots of veggies & fruits providing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre); positive thinking, adequate sleep, exercise, fresh air – all the pillars of health clearly explained in my book on treating cancer naturally: Natural Approach to Cancer: The Paw Paw Program. Turn off negative news, lessen wifi and cell (EMF) exposure, and get into nature.

  2. Use nano particle silver solution (why more effective than colloidal silver) IN your body, ongoing for prevention. Proven with FDA approval and many patents to kill over 600 microbes, viruses, fungus, including MRSA, VRE, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas aeriginosa – (killer of 2700 in US alone in 2017). One can do this by ingesting 1/2 to 1 tsp. of Liquid Silver Guard per day, or a small pea size of the Silver Gel. Dr. Pederson’s recommended protocol for doctors exposed to so many germs, especially during flu season, was to put a dab of Silver Gel in each nostril a couple of times/day. The nasal passages are our 1st line of natural defence. The gel can be rubbed on the back of the throat, and should be used immediately at any sign of throat irritation. Gargling with Silver liquid is another method. Try to hold either form of silver for 6 minutes – long enough to kill any germs, then swallow for internal benefits. Liquid can be put in a spray bottle and sprayed into throat a couple of times daily. The gel can be used instead of hand sanitizers – a little dab will do it. This is a very effective anti-microbial and does not contain alcohol which dries your natural skin defence, or other toxic chemicals.   This article will tell you more about Silver and Multiple Uses .

  3. Tei Fu Oil – one drop in the mouth and breathe it in – kills germs with antimicrobial essential oils of camphor, menthol, eucalyptus, clove and lavender. Also a wonderful breath freshener and clears the sinuses. A drop on back of throat for any irritation. A drop in the nose when flying or being exposed to many people and germs.

  4. Other Essential Oils, 5 listed in Tei Fu article, can also be diffused in your home for prevention and treatment of any disease. For blends, a good one is Essential Shield, which contains protective EOs, plus smells heavenly. It also comes in a Essential Shield Multi Purpose Concentrate Cleaner, which will clean everything – hands, hair, floors, clothes, dishes effectively and safely – with no harmful chemicals. Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap is considered THE BEST contagion prevention, so mix up a dilute solution of Essential Shield Cleaner and have a container handy in every room of the house. You can make your own sani-wipes using this on a facecloth or other strips of cotton and carry in a zip lock baggie. When you wash them, your laundry will get a cleansing boost and smell great!

  5. If despite these easy, sensible things, you end up sick – whether it be common cold, flu, avian, H1N1, corona, swine, dengue fever, ANY virus, start taking HRP-C (CA) , VS-C (US) immediately. Both CA & US offer this Chinese anti-viral formula in capsules and glycerine extract. Developed to fight the toughest viruses (Herpes and AIDS); it has never failed us in over 20 years of use! In times of dis-ease follow practical steps for quicker healing in an article by reading Crisis Management.

  6. IF one does get a respiratory infection add Chinese Lung Healer: LH-C (CA), Lung Support Chinese (US). Correct dosage is 1 cap with a meal THREE times per day, until almost healed, then you can decrease to 2, then 1/day to continue to strengthen lungs – which are critical to our immune system. Professionals who works  with the NSP Chinese herbs know that Concentrate TCM dosage is 3-4 per day and  regular formula dosage is 8-9 per day  for acute conditions. More info on LH-C / Lung Support.

  7. If you cannot afford any of the above (Tei Fu Oil is about $20), or live in a country where these are not accessible, then gargle a couple of times/day with warm salt water. You can also do nasal flushing with a warm salt solution. This will help kill many bacteria which enter your body via nose and mouth.

In summary, there are many simple ways to protect ourselves, and to treat illness, should we come down with any virus. 

Here are direct links to the silver solution we have used for over 10 years. Please contact us if you want to order any of these items direct to your house. I can get you discount pricing. 

Silver Liquid (CA)   Silver Shield with AqualSol (US) – ignore the mouthwash on Cdn. label – this is an ignorant Health Canada thing – great to use as mouthwash but then swallow  for internal health benefits – it is perfectly safe to swallow and should be (as per instruction on US product, which is the same: “swish & swallow”

Silver Gel (CA)/ Silver Shield Rescue Gel (US) on skin, in nose, or any other orifices, and pea size swallow to combat ALL infections,

IN US, there is also an Immune Support Kit, which contains several of the above herbal aids. 


Rudolf Steiner Perspectives

Page 3 of a 9 page article based on Rudolf Steiner anthroposophy, has much insight. One paragraph which I feel is particularly relevant is:

“Meanwhile – some key questions to carry are – what is being covered up while
focusing so intently on this issue? ( a questionable virus?)  There is likely a covert agenda. Some suggest that the hidden powers behind the scenes want to promote a regime of digital currency, since the financial upheaval that is coming to bear may pave the way by allowing this radical new system.  And/or the mass inoculation with vaccine/chip technology by profit-seeking interests. And/or unhampered installation of 5G technology. And we can ask, to what extent is the rampant fear in humanity, as evidenced by the masses responding in the way they are – running for masks, and allowing their
environments to be sprayed with all that poisonous substance (and to kill what?) – just
adding to the power of the pandemic?”

Feel free to share this information.


*Vaccine profits: 

China, 5G And The Wuhan Coronovirus

We wish you healthy living and positive thinking!

Remember to contact us if in North America to help you order and get best prices for any of these products or other health programs.