Tag Archives: Calcium ratio

Magnesium – one of the Miracle Minerals

Magnesium is a vital element of the body, concentrated primarily in bones, but also an integral part of each & every cell in our body. Magnesium is essential for calcium absorption, glucose metabolism, cardiovascular health, nervous system and the production and balance of cellular energy.

Magnesium, also known as the “anti-stress”mineral, is a vital catalyst in enzyme activity. Magnesium is involved in nearly every essential bodily function, from the beating of the heart to the creation of bones and the regulation of blood sugar. It is so important that it is called the “gatekeeper of cellular activity”, signifying its critical role in cellular processes. This is particularly important considering the endemic rise of diabetes, with all the complications of the disease.

Magnesium is just one of many minerals and vitamins which research indicates that up to 80% modern society is generally Magnesium deficient.  Dr. Norman Shealy states, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency” and that, “magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.”

Some additional specific benefits of a quality, absorbable Magnesium are:

• Helps with the transmission of nerve and muscle impulses
• Helps nerves to relax
• Helps regulate the heartbeat
• Helps burn fat, produce energy, regulate glucose levels
• Aids in maintaining the body’s proper pH balance, as one of the 4 main alkalizing minerals (K, Ca, Na and Mg)
• May help prevent depression, premenstrual syndrome, osteoporosis, pain in fibromyalgia, and cardiovascular disease
• Helps reduce and dissolve calcium phosphate kidney stones, and prevent occurrence
• Prevents premature labour and convulsions in pregnant women.

Lorene has worked with 3 different combinations of Magnesium from Nature’s Sunshine for over 30 years. Please contact her office to determine which will be the optimum one for you.

On page 170 of Lorene Benoit’s book  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally  a chart that shows the reduction of minerals in common foods since the 1940’s.

Agri – farming has created less nutritious food, causing most North American’s to be mineral deficient, and Magnesium is one of the most depleted in produce.  Consider 2 common foods: carrots contained 75% less Mg. in carrots and potatoes contained 35% less in 1990’s than 1940’s. Now, twenty years later?  It is even worse.

It is important to remember that there are critical ratios of  minerals in the human body. Two examples are between calcium and phosphorus, and calcium and magnesium. In  1940 average diet contained  a two to one ratio between phosphorus and calcium. Now there is a one to one ratio. This means that the phosphorus content of many foods has increased. These artificial new ratios  have an important effect on your body chemistry.

Many accepted nutritional references still recommend a dietary intake ratio of 2:1 Ca-Mg. Due to changed food quality and dietary intake, this has been felt to be inadequate, and Magnesium is often the greater deficiency. We  recommend that our clients take at least 1:1 Ca/Mg. ratio. Magnesium citrate, magnesium malate and magnesium HVP chelate are all well absorbed forms of this mineral, especially when quality tested, chelated or combined with magnesium rich herbs that enhance absorption.

In addition,  a balanced Calcium supplement needs to contain both Vit. D3 and Magnesium for effective absorption.  We suggest our clients take one Skeletal Strength with either one Magnesium Complex  or  one Magnesium Tablets 1-2 times per day dependant upon their needs.

In one study published in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine, 15 fibromyalgia patients were given either 1200 to 2400 mg of malic acid daily with 300 to 600 mg of magnesium for 4 to 6 weeks, or a placebo. All the patients receiving the malic acid with magnesium reported a marked decrease in pain within two days, which continued throughout the time they were receiving the treatment. When the women were switched over to the placebo, their condition deteriorated within 48 hours. The formula we recommend for this kind of muscle pain is Magnesium Malate.

Should you wish to have wholesale access any of the same quality supplements we have used professionally  since 1990 to help thousands of people achieve optimum health by setting up preventive nutritional programs, please email our office at TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com, or contact us via our website.

NSP offers over 500 different herbal formulas and  supplements, and we can help determine which will be the optimum choices for you!