Tag Archives: anthocyanins

Quercetin – One of Many



Quercetin is one of many powerful flavonoids that are part of a larger classification collectively termed phytonutrients.

Phyto = plant and nutrients = nutrients.

Phytonutrients  contain phytochemicals, meaning plant-derived molecules that are highly physiologically active. These are what our body needs to  survive and thrive.

Phytotherapy means using phytonutrients for therapeutic purposes. For example, this article explains the mechanics of why Phytotherapy is effective  for hormonal balance, and the difference between using chemicals for hormonal balance.

Pages 175-180 of “The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer” by Lorene Benoit, MHH, CHC, discusses many phytonutrients.

Some commonly known phytochemicals/phytonutrients:

Carotenoids, organosulfur compounds,  indole 3 carbinols,  well-known vitamin anti-oxidants, such as A, C and E,  polyphenols and flavonoids.

Flavonoids are a large group of naturally occurring phenolic compounds. Some of these are: xanthones, carotenoids, lycopene, lutein,  quercetin, rutin, anthocyanins, anthocyanidines,  proanthocyanidines, curcuminoids, indole 3 carbinols (I3C’s), astaxanthin, diindolymethane (D2M), ascorbigins, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, betulinic acid, resveratrol, lignans, epigallocatechin, acylfloroglucinols.

As you can see from above list, Quercetin is just one of many  phytonutrients.  It is a pentahydroxyflavone having the five hydroxy groups placed at the 3-, 3′-, 4′-, 5- and 7-positions. This chemical identification is not as important to me, as knowing that quercetin is one of the most abundant flavonoids in vegetables, fruit and wine.

 These foods are some of the best sources of dietary flavonoids, including quercetin:

  • Onions
  • Kale
  • Parsley
  • Tea
  • Red Wine
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Blueberries
  • Cherries
  • Pomegranate
  • Tomatoes
  • Red grapes
  • Mangosteen
  • Olives
  • gogi berries
  • Soybeans. LB note: Make sure non GMO: Soybeans come in a variety of different forms and are the best source of isoflavones.

PLUS:  herbs are powerhouses of concentrated phytonutrients. A few that are high in quercetin are: gingko biloba, garcinia, acai, hawthorn, grapeseed, Buckthorn, Yellow Loosestrife .

For example, Yellow Loosestrife or  Lysimachia vulgaris contains the following active ingredients and substances: The dried leaves and flowers contain tannins, flavonoids (rutin, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol), triterpene saponins and benzoquinones. The whole plant contains vitamin C which explains its uses in the past as a remedy for scurvy.

Take away:

 All phytochemicals have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. There are MANY known that have been chemically documented, and likely many not yet identified or named. Different ones feed different organs of the body, which is why we need them all.

The medical paradigm is isolating ingredients versus the natural paradigm of using whole foods and plants. These are more easily identified and assimilated by the body. This is why I use mostly herbs for supplementation purposes. Most vitamins and minerals should also include herbs or foods in their bases for the same reasons.

This is why I recommend eating a rainbow of colours of vegetables and fruits daily.


As all phytonutrients are important for our health, if I am taking supplement to obtain a higher level of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits than what I can get from my diet, I feel one of the best supplemental sources is Zambroza (CA), or Thai Go (US)- 2 pack .

ORAC, (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, is explained on P. 266 of Benoit’s book. This is a measurement of how many free radicals can be neutralized by an anti-oxidant. ORAC can be accurately measured by independent labs.

It is the ORAC level that will determine how much anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory  benefit will happen to help prevent free radical damage and exert a healthful benefit on your cardiovascular system – i.e. the heart muscle and all blood vessels that feed the heart and deliver nutrients to the body.

Zambroza/ Thai Go has a combination of high phytonutrients plants that show the highest ORAC level of just about any supplement available on the market. It remains my choice to supplement all my phytochemical levels,  including all the flavonoids and polyphenols. By having a combination of 13 plants, fruits and herbs, with the highest phyto nutrient content, I know this includes quercetin., in addition to so many others.

One of the main ingredients is Mangosteen. This is one of the most powerful sources of xanthones. The fruit and pericarp of the Garcinia mangostana,  possess a wide spectrum of pharmacologic properties, including antioxidant, anti- tumor, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral activities.

Health Benefits of xanthones:

Beneficial effect on heart, liver, circulation, inflammation, and immunity.  Xanthones from mangosteen extracts have been shown to act as natural chemo-preventive agents. All  bioflavonoids enhance Vit. C absorption and help maintain collagen and capillary walls. This means powerful immune and cardiovascular support.


: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21902651/


More scholarly articles on xanthones in mangosteen
