Category Archives: Vaccines

Vaccine Myth needs to Die!

April, 2021 Update:

Video link by Drs. Null and Humphries stating “there will never be a safe vaccine” has been censored; no surprise. However, this article referencing Dr. Gary Null may help you:  THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES MIGHT JUST SAVE YOU FROM DISABLING COMPLICATIONS

11 mins. interview by Dr. Suzanne Humphries has been censored. Check bit chute – you will see many informative videos by this brave doctor.


If the flu vaccine actually worked, out of 100 people vaccinated, how many would be protected from the flu?


Zero to 4 – to see the mathematical calculations to prove this, please visit

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) has reported measles outbreak in 100% vaccinated populations. Obviously there is NO scientific evidence to support the fact that vaccinations prevent flu. Hand washing has a higher rate of success, with less side effects and considerably less cost.

Is it any wonder that only 30 – 34% of doctors, nurses and other health care workers get annual flu shots? They are educating themselves! Could those in charge of forcing edicts which affect the physical and financial welfare of citizens also spend some time educating themselves? Those in office need to spend some time questioning the expensive vaccine myth – one hour of  research would help them see why those who educate themselves do want to risk their health on questionable, myth ridden, fear mongering flu shots.

As Dr. Humphries so succinctly states, “If the vaccines were so wonderful, why are they needing to be forced on the public? History books show that the people who were vaccinated were the sickest.  It is blazingly clear that much of what is taught in medical school is enormously limited.”  Please make intelligent choices and state your views to your provincial, state and federal employees, who are supposed to be protecting you! !

There is not a shred of evidence to support the myth that vaccines prevent disease. In fact, research shows the opposite is true.

The FACTS are that besides low efficacy, a few other reasons for not wanting the flu or any other vaccine might include:

  • The two publicly-funded vaccines in Canada, Fluviral and Vaxigrip both contain thimersol. For those who may not be aware, that is mercury – the cause of the Mad Hatter’s Disease – remember Alice in Wonderland? Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, world leading immunogeneticist, states that getting the annual  flu shots for 5 consecutive years increases chances of getting Alzheimers by 10 times. Not surprisingly, he has been blacklisted and his research labelled an ‘urban myth’ by the ‘experts’ promoting vaccines.
  • Neuroscientists at UBC recently published several scientific papers that question vacccine safety due to thimersol.  This published study discusses negative effects on brain and immunity for children.  It is particularly relevant for the ever-increasing number of childrens’ vaccines being promoted. If one follows the CDC recommendations, a 6 months old infant will receive more vaccines than anyone over 35 has received in their lifetime. (CDC profits from vaccines.)
  • The first syndrome to be clearly correlated with the influenza vaccination was the Guillain-Barre paralysis (1977). That’s right – since 1977, and not with a few research papers, in a few countries, but over thousands! Only one year later, researchers discovered that neurological complications were not at all restricted to this one syndrome; on the contrary, they found a good number of post-vaccination neurological affections.
  • ALL charts that show mortality from ALL communicable diseases, including Tuberculosis, Polio, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Measles, Tetanus,  Small Pox, from 1860 to present clearly indicate that these diseases ALL decreased in 78 – 98% before the introduction of vaccines. Several also show an increase in death after vaccinations!
  • Of the 2769 flu outbreaks reported in Canada in 2009/10, 95.4% occurred in schools. Why are Health Care workers being targeted?

As health care workers and the general public become more educated and question both the safety AND efficacy of vaccinations, is this the only way the government can respond, forcing the vaccine with penalties to workers? Wearing masks, no work, no pay? Mandatory vaccinations are imposed in some US states; every person needs to fight this to prevent noxious, poisonous substances from being forced into our bloodstreams!

The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms guarantees freedom of religion or conscience and the right to “security of the person”. Canadian Medical Law affirms the right to exercise Informed Consent and to refuse invasive medical procedures based on risk assessment. Forced vaccination violates basic rights as a Canadian citizen. Pretty sure it does in the US too.

It is time for some real research, some real facts. I willingly offer to provide websites, medical journals, charts and references to any interested, and would greatly welcome any response to this.

Two other excellent non-profit sites for your research are: and . It is time to dispel the many assumptions and myths upon which immunization theory and practice are based as they have been proven false in their application.

For a full page of excellent vaccine websites, stay tuned:

For SAFE, EFFECTIVE ways to prevent flu and other diseases, read:   and


To Immunize, or not to Immunize?

To Immunize, or not to Immunize? That is the question.

By the time my daughter was scheduled to have her first round of shots, I had done some research. After extensive analysis my husband and I concluded that for our family, living in a developed nation with excellent sanitation, clean running water, and with a solid basis in natural healing,  immunizations were not something we wanted to accept the risks of doing. 26 years later, we are convinced this was an intelligent, educated decision.
If we listen to the medical, government and media establishments, we are led to believe that there is almost no risk to shots. Looking at published medical research however, we see another story.

The US FDA recognizes that even though 90 percent of doctors do not report suspected vaccine damage incidents; there are still about 12,000 incidents reported annually. US statistics generally reflect Canadian stats, just reduced by a factor of 10.

Financial aid to parents who either lose a child to vaccine damage, or who are faced with medical expenses to care for a vaccine damaged child, had paid out more than $802 million dollars prior to August 31, 1997 with many cases still pending. (We do not have such a fund in Canada since we have socialized medicine.)

Drs. Mendelsohn, Lanctot, Scheibner, and Moskowitz are just a few of MANY medical doctors on record as being very anti-immunization. Many authors support their views with extensive research. Please contact Benoit & Associates Health Education for a list of websites for further research.

In addition to live or dead viruses and bacteria, vaccines may contain antibiotics; stabilizers such as aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, and thimerosal, a mercury derivative; egg; animal DNA and RNA; as well as undetected viruses (SV-40 which triggers HIV, brain tumours, leukemia and other human cancers). Many of these additives have been documented as carcinogenic and damaging to the nervous system.


Natural immunity versus vaccine immunity

Breastfeeding grants passive immunity. Long-term breastfeeding gives the baby’s immune system time to mature and begin manufacturing its own antibodies. Our body’s natural defences include various lines of defence, called into action in a specific order dependant upon the challenge.

Vaccinations introduce the pathogen directly at a blood/serum level. This bypasses the normal defence systems of mucous membranes, digestive tract, blood cells and lymphatic pathways that are usually activated with exposure to pathogens. In effect, vaccinations don’t allow the body to do its job properly, and as the length of supposed immunity from most vaccines is unknown, this can leave people even more vulnerable.


General Side Effects

Immediate side effects from vaccines may include fever, crankiness, and tenderness at the injection site, ranging to severe complications which can include extended crying, (high-pitched crying for more than three hours is a sign of neurological damage), seizures, shock, and death.

Long term effects range from a five-fold increase in asthma, increase in autism, allergies, sterilization, paralization, crohn’s, as well as decrease in general immunity.


Specific side effects for particular vaccines


The Lancet reports a three-fold risk increase of Crohn’s disease and a two-fold risk increase of ulcerative colitis in people who are MMR immunized.


Clinical Infectious Diseases discovered that every case of polio since 1980 has been caused by the polio vaccine. Science reported in 1992 a possible link between polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS.

Hepatitis A & B
The New Zealand Medical Journal reports a 60 percent increase in juvenile diabetes following mass immunization for Hep B and vaccines have reportedly been inadvertently contaminated with undetected viruses including HIV.

Several medical journals have examined potentially serious side effects of the Hep B vaccine, including demyelination of central nervous system nerves, liver dysfunction, and arthritis. Research has shown that Hep B vaccine can wear off in less than four years.

The flu virus is constantly mutating. This years’ flu shot is based on last years’ virus, so effect is guesswork. Chronic fatigue, intestinal upset and increased susceptibility to flu and colds are common and rarely attributed to the actual vaccine. Death from swine flu vaccine was higher than death from the disease.

Gardasil for HPV

Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records detailing 26 new reported deaths. Paralysis has also affected many previously healthy girls who received this vaccine, which has not been properly tested or researched. Washington, DC — October 19, 2011

Other Vaccines
Not enough is known about the risks and side effects of the following vaccines: haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), Chicken Pox, and Lyme Disease. These vaccines are relatively new.


If You Decide not to Vaccinate

Remember there are many things that can be done to strengthen the immune system to ward off these and many other diseases or to minimize the risk of complications. If you choose to not immunize, then you must also choose to be smart. A healthy, natural diet free of refined sugars, white flour, artificial sweeteners, chemicals and colors is critical. A positive attitude, laughter, physical exercise, loving relationships, adequate sleep, and good nutritional supplements are the foundation of a healthy body and strong immune response. Herbs are the perfect food to develop a strong immunity, as they are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, and active ingredients. Immune herbs often contain adaptogenic properties to help the body adapt to stressors of everyday living, including germs. The Chinese concept of using herbs as daily preventative maintenance for optimum health is more effective than the curative approach, but either way herbs can make a difference in the health of you and your family!

In the event of infection or other illness herbs and natural products are also the MOST EFFECTIVE way to help the body combat these and return to health. See more articles on Benoit blog: to learn about liquid Silver Guard and HRP-C liquid/ HRP-C capsules .


If You Decide to Vaccinate

Ask to see the package insert to examine the list of known reactions for the specific vaccine being administered. Check the vial of serum and make careful notes of the manufacturer, lot/batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, and dose size.

Plan to build the immune system for at least two weeks before administering the shots, and for another two weeks after the shots. It has been my experience that some of the best immune building in children can be done with antioxidants, such as Zambroza (Thai Go in US), Rosehips, Elderberry and other herbal aids, such as found in GreenZoneVitamin A  & D can also help.

You can also choose specifically which vaccines you want administered. What is right for one child in a family may not be right for the next child. Simple blood tests can determine antibody levels. If antibodies for chicken pox are present the vaccine is not needed.

When in doubt, delay. All shots can be ‘caught up’ at a later date. Damage, however, may not be reversible. Research thoroughly and make the best decision for your child and your family. This may be one of the toughest and important decisions you will ever make. Contact the author for more education.



October Health Newsletter


For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office:  Phone: 250-748-6802                                    Email:                                               Website:

Our blog offers ongoing health tips. Articles added since the last newsletter, with a direct link:

Candida Albicans / Yeast Infections:

Candida albicans is a form of parasitic yeast which thrives in warm-blooded animals. Candida normally populates the bowel, vagina and mucous membranes. In those with healthy immune systems, it is kept in balance by friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidophilus bacteria. If the balance is upset, the Candida proliferates. Click here to read more


Brilliant Body Dinner Classes:

Back by popular demand – Dinner classes are full of practical health, fun and time for questions. Classes are open to everyone and anyone who would like to understand how their body works and what to do when it doesn’t. The goal is to help you and those you care about achieve optimum health! Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask us with a comment on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

 We are also connected with many professionals offering classes and conference calls great ways to learn more about your health……so let’s find out more about what’s upcoming…..


Monthly Specials for Members

– see below how to become a member and why you may want to do this!

Natural Changes for Women:        This is a package which offered terrific results for many women. Unfortunately, one of the pills was discoloured, so they have discontinued it. We have 1 package left –first local taker gets it!

 Coupon Book Savings: all members can use any one coupon with any order they place directly with company.

Please watch for Convention specials available the end of October. For those going to Convention, you can order Buy 3 get 1 free. For no attendees, it will be 5% off, full PV, or Buy 4 get 1 free.

 How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

 You can receive discounts from 10 – 30% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

 What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to; choose your country and use sponsor

       # 309344 to receive discount


All the great education, resource centre, Fact sheets, webinars and conference calls with professionals are free.

  Local Education    

Brilliant Body Dinner Classes in Duncan, Vancouver Island started Sept. 19th

To share these classes worldwide, contact our office for the information.

Thurs Oct 13th        Intestinal

Thurs Nov 10th       Immune

Thurs Dec 8th          Nervous

Thurs Jan 12th           Respiratory

Thurs Feb 9th             Circulatory

Thurs Mar 15th          Hepatic

Thurs Apr 12th           Urinary

Thurs May 10th         Glandular

Thurs June 14th        Structural

Call to register. Health Class only $15 per person. Discounts available:

  •     5 sessions paid in advance:   $60
  •     10 sessions paid in advance: $120
  •      Bonus: Full payment of 10 includes free gift, certification* and Zyto Compass training
  •      Replacement can attend a session if you cannot
  •      Attend 4 consecutive sessions for $15 , 5th one free!

    5:30 Doors open to order your choice  of  food or drink.

   6:00 – 7:30 Classes

  7:30 – 8:00 Q& A and business coaching 

 Vaccine Safety

 I have an email with links pertaining to adverse effects of vaccines, including narcolepsy, death, miscarriages and inaccurate reporting of all events. If you would like this email forwarded, please email with “Vaccine info” in subject line.

Some news of which everyone should be aware:  NCOW Press Release Oct. 28, 2010

 CDC allegedly falsifies reports–ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine

More facts about Gardasil:  In September 2008, FDA Closing Statement on Gardasil it was noted that 73.3% of girls in the clinical trials developed “new medical conditions” post vaccination. 17 girls died during the clinical trials.

Parents whose children have suffered catastrophic injuries including death following vaccination with Merck’s Gardasil vaccine, and GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix, have launched websites to warn other families that the risks may far outweigh any potential benefit claimed by the manufacturers and health agencies who promote these products. Read the entire SANE Vax report here: 


Compass Group Assessment Classes – invite some friends for a fun way to find out what are the best supplements for you! Call office for details. 

Compass Zyto is an extremely efficient, inexpensive step to excellent health. 

Watch this 3 minute video :


Success Stories

 Testimonials on Lorene Benoit’s book  The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer

From DL, Canada:

  I was most impressed with the clarity and use of “layman’s language”, the small sized book, with easy to read larger print for old eyes, and even little cartoons to break the monotony! I learned so much from “The Paw Paw Program – A Christopher Columbus Approach to Cancer” about cancer that I hadn’t heard about and statistics I didn’t understand! I never knew it was a fungus that feeds on sugar and yeast! I just knew it was a deadly disease that required chemotherapy that made you lose your hair or radiation that sapped your body energy, leaving a person unable to live normally. We are all quite familiar with surgery, possible infections and blood clots, which I wanted none of!! I had only ever had surgery for appendicitis when I was 17 years old. I am now 80 years old and was booked for hip replacement which I wanted done to regain my mobility and life.

My youngest son urged me to get the hip done to restore my `quality of life`, and not to have the radiation he had about 10 years ago. I told this to my daughter, Alexis Gilchrist, who is studying herbology, and she said, `Yes! and then you can go on the Paw Paw Program! “ (Which I knew nothing about – so she gave me one of Lorene Benoit`s books to read).

The information made so much sense to me that it took no time to make my personal decisions! I ordered the necessary herbs to cleanse, build my body and immune system and ones to clean out the cancer cells that may have been left after 3 biopsies. (There were none found in 19 lymph glands tested). I have now had my hip replaced and home doing very well. I believe the herbal build up made me so much healthier that my body responded so well with absolutely no pain that even the doctors were surprised!!!

I was so pleased with the information in the book that I gave it to 3 friends of mine who are retired nurses. They also thought it very good and factual. 2 of the 3 said they were going to buy copies. I intend to continue sharing mine so people will have opportunity to learn as I did from it.

I am taking the Paw Paw program and doing very well!

  Thank you very much for writing the Paw Paw Program book! What an eye-opener!


  I received great news after my scans in August. They showed that there are no new tumors or inflammation anywhere and the tumors that were there have shrunk in size. There is greatly reduced inflammation in the bones of my hips (where doctors had been very concerned before) and the doctors are very pleased with what is happening. I know the pawpaw, as well as the diet and everything else I’m doing, is contributing to my success.                         Thanks.

To order this book, which teaches you about Cancer AND the general cause of all diseases, plus preventative tips for overall health, save money by contacting the author directly via email or phone.


Video Pick / Spiritual and Humour

If Dr Seuss Met Eckhart Tolle (Oh,The Places Your Ego Will Go!):   “Have you had a good laugh at your ego? We all have one. The trick is to stop identifying with it and listening to it as if it were your guidance counsellor. Laughter can help. Witnessing presence through meditation is also powerful”

Video Pick / Your Health and Politics

Did you know that the third leading cause of death in North America is doctors? Watch this 5 minute video to see why.



We are always looking for more people to train as herbal specialists. There is a great need for those who wish to earn and learn, while helping others. We offer coaching for committed individuals. First step is Brilliant Body CD! Ask us if you are not familiar with this program. Phone the office anytime for help!

Yours in health,


Benoit & Associates Health Education

Here to serve you…….

July Health Newsletter

We have been enjoying these sunny days preparing our herb gardens for the upcoming Medicine Wheel Workshop and Annual Herbal Intensive. Registration is open until July 14th.

For more information or for help with achieving your optimum health levels, please contact our office by phone:  250-748-6802
email: Website

Articles added to our blog since the last newsletter, with direct link:

To help a person who has allergy problems, one must play detective. There are several body systems which may need to be addressed to solve the riddle. Determining which one or ones are the priorities can help to find quicker resolution. Every person is an individual, and although there are some herbs which will help many people most of the time, there are more severe or stubborn cases, where some sleuthing can make a difference quicker and with longer lasting benefits.

The systems that we assess for allergies are digestive, eliminative, respiratory, urinary and hepatic or liver. Our marvellous liver performs over 500 functions, so for those who are challenged with allergies, the liver is certainly one of the organs to check out. Let’s look briefly at the other systems first, by learning some of the clues as to which system is trying to tell you something. Click here to read more

Muscle Testing:
Muscle Response Testing, or MRT, is based on the principle that there is an energy field which flows around and through all things. The Chinese call this energy CHI. Like a magnet creating a magnetic field, which holds iron filings in a certain pattern, the CHI creates a field which holds the cells of our body in alignment. In muscle response testing we are checking the strength or weakness of the body’s energy field. It is a method of measuring the body’s energy balance. Click here to read more

Weight Loss and HCG:
Response to question: I have done some research and have come up with several opinions which  feel the HCG component is a placebo affect. This makes sense as anytime a person cleans up their diet, and decreases their caloric and carbohydrate intake, they will lose weight! Click here to read more

PhytoTherapy and Hormones:
Many women using synthetic hormones stopped when the Nurse’s Initiative published the negative side effects. Now more women use natural treatments to help with hormonal challenges, ranging from acne to weight gain and hot flashes.

Phytotherapy is the use of plants, either from food or herbs, for healing purposes. Phytotherapy is a wonderful alternative for hormonal balance because it works with your body to give you what you need, and has a proven track record of safety and efficacy. Click here to read more

If there is a natural health topic you would like to know more about, ask me on my website blog and I will do my best to answer.

Monthly Specials For Members

July special for new members – free Digestive Enzymes PLUS free small Chlorophyll with $75 order – if you have been thinking of it, now is the time! Call our office.

How does Membership with Nature’s Sunshine Products benefit you?

  • You can receive discounts from 10 – 40% on the most potent, most professionally formulated herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements in the industry since 1972.

What do you need to do?

  • Contact our office by email, phone or website
  • Memberships are free in most countries when you place an order.
  • Go to choose your country and use sponsor # 309344 to receive discount


Free education, resource centre, fact sheets, webinars and professional conference calls available to all members. Canadian link is Call our office to get connected in other countries.
Ztyo Compass – learn what your body’s needs are: watch this 3 minute video to explain this simple, yet accurate biofeedback tool:
Assessments in group setting – fun and informative – are only $25, second time $20 – make it a party to get yours free, plus host gifts

Political Scene

If some people actually think there have been deaths from vitamins… which of course is ridiculous because the very word means “Vital Minerals”, please direct them to this one article. It is an excellent backup for those of us who find ourselves struggling to convince people… the article clearly shows that there has not been ONE proven death from natural products in the last 27 YEARS.

Compare this to the annual deaths reported by government agencies on deaths from adverse effects of drugs – in the USit is now over 160,000 per year! (Canadawould be roughly 1/10 of that figure).

More than 2,000 vaccinated babies died: The cost of doing business

Risk of infant mortality linked to more vaccines:

Spiritual and Emotional

It was Tagore who said, “I slept and dreamt that life was joy.  I awoke and saw that life was service.  I acted and behold, service was joy.”

To do the thing that is yours to do today, that’s service.  As we do the thing that is ours to do today, there is joy.  We can act from that joy and live in a state of joy.

It was Charles Fillmore, the founder of the Unity religion, who on his 90th birthday wrote this affirmation:  “I spring out of bed and fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and go forth this day to do the things that ought to be done by me.”

Health Tip
Have a healthy happy summer storing up your Vit. D3 – sun is good for you in moderation. Protect yourself with clothing and shade, rather than sunscreen, especially between 10am and 2 pm.

Yours in health,
Benoit & Associates Health Education
Here to serve you……

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Take responsibility to create better health for you and all loved ones!

The first and most important thing to say about vaccination is you don’t have to do it.

The fact is it wouldn’t occur to a lot of us to even investigate vaccinations, particularly before we experience contraindications. More recently, however, there are more and more people taking responsibility for their health. You may find the following material conflicts with messages you have been given from the allopathic medical field. Statistics are often misrepresented by inaccurate reporting and recording; making it difficult to know the truth.

The intent of this information is to remind you that you are responsible for your own health. Secondly, it is to remind you that you are more of an expert on the subject of your self and your body than any other person or group of people – it is your decision as to what is best for you. The point is you have the right and the responsibility to determine your own action.

For those new to the concept that it is your decision whether or not to vaccinate, please be aware that The Exemption for Conscience was passed on December 14, 1984. Previous to this, mandatory vaccination was practiced in Canada. Although today it is no longer mandatory to have your children vaccinated, “social marketing” is the means of imposing vaccination. The selling of an idea to the point that it becomes your own idea, even if it goes against your conscience, is what social marketing is about.


All drugs, prescription or over the counter, have some toxic side effects. Herbs have thousands of years use as safe, natural and effective!  Herbs have been used since the birth of humankind and still stand the test of time.


For a Healthy Immune System:

Follow the Four Pillars of Health: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional. More detail on these are in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer , which also addresses healing most other chronic health conditions.



Avoid sugar, food additives, chemicals, colourings, caffeine and junk food; they suppress immune function.

Keep the body clean (internally and externally). Cleanse spring and fall.

Eat a well-rounded diet of wholesome natural foods. Foods for the immune system are foods closest to their natural state: vegetables, fruits, some whole grains (sprouted), nuts and seeds.

Herbs are concentrated powerhouses of nutrition: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the phytochemicals that scientists will never finish discovering.

Herbs promote optimum health when used on a daily basis according to your needs and the seasons. Quality herbs used properly are also safe remedies when you are sick.

Avoid using antibiotics and synthetic drugs, as they are toxic to humans. If you feel antibiotics are necessary, replace colonic bacteria with good quality probiotics.

Reduce meat, egg and processed grains. These foods contribute to mucous production. Change the last “a” in pasta to “e” and what do you get?  Paste!

Get regular moderate exercise.

Practice deep abdominal breathing.

Seek clean air and sun. Don’t smoke. Avoid inhaling second-hand smoke.


Mental, Spiritual and Emotional:

Maintain a positive mental attitude. Research has shown that a positive mental attitude and having goals, plans, dreams, hope and faith result in a stronger immune system.

Stress is a major cause of a suppressed immune system. Learn to reduce it where possible and where not, manage it effectively.

Develop loving relationships with other people that build up your self worth.

Cry and let go of a loved one; grieve, feel your feelings. Learn to express anger constructively and in safe ways. People who suppress their feelings may be prone to having a hiatal hernia, which leads to digestive system breakdown and overall health challenges.

Keep educating yourself and ask questions.

The above four aspects of our health cannot be separated,  if one hopes to achieve optimum health.

If you have already had vaccinations……..

or if after researching about immunizations, you still decide to use them, the following herbs and combinations can help counteract some of the negative effects. These formulations also help keep the immune system strong and healthy, thus providing a safe alternative to vaccines:

HRP-C (CA)  / VS-C (US) to kill viruses and remove toxins, especially from the liver. This can be used as successful treatment for ALL viruses, including herpes; as well as taken as a preventive during cold/flu season.

Heavy Metal Detox to cleanse blood of mercury, formaldehyde, and other toxins in vaccines. Supports the liver and provides essential minerals.

Cat’s Claw Combination with Astragalus and Echinacea to kill bacteria and infections; helps lymphatic drainage.

Golden Seal & Echinacea as Goldenseal can help the body kill Hepatitis B virus from the vaccine.

Oregon Grape as natural antibiotic and immune system strengthener. A specific for staph infections with special affinity for skin conditions.

Silver Guard has research to show it can kill over 600 strains of bacteria and viruses. Once in the blood, it can help prevent most infectious pathogens. Labelled as a mouthwash due to Health Canada absurdity, it is #1 for infection. By all means use it as a mouthwash to prevent tooth and gum infection, but then swallow it so it can continue promoting health throughout your body.


As links frequently change, you can contact author……..

for full ingredient lists on any above products, as well as hundreds of other professional, quality supplements. You can also find full ingredient lists on Benoit’s NSP website:

Choose your country in top right corner. Member #1143615.

For a list of excellent websites to continue your education on vaccines, go to “Vaccine Research Websites“.

Some of the comments below relate to to other useful research relating to vaccines, or after-effects.


What do you need to do next ?

To learn more or order any of the above formulations:

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 – 11.:50 am PST for old fashioned personal service!
  • Go to; choose your country and Lorene Benoit should come up as your sponsor # 1143615.

You will  receive discount and the benefits of our professional support.  We can place your initial order for you at no charge.

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away (and other infections)

UPDATED Jan, 2020:

Tips to Make the Avian Flu Fly Away applies to ALL infectious conditions, viral and bacterial, including CoronaVirus, SARS, Swine, all varieties of “Flu” , Colds, Rhinovirus, MRSA, Strep, and any other “epidemic” threatening to wipe out human existence and frighten us into injecting more vaccine toxins into our already overloaded bodies.

Natural healing works to bring the body into balance and maintain our natural immunity, which is our best defence. It will not weaken our system, nor contribute to creation of anti-biotic resistant mutations, which is what has happened with pharmaceutical overuse and misuse.

Herbs that worked during the 1800’s plague;  Chinese anti-viral herbs that have worked for 5,000 years, like VS-C  (liquid or capsules); (HRP-C in CA- liquid or capsules) and adaptogens such as Astragalus; plus improved processing of products like Silver, will continue to  work to our benefit.

Five inexpensive and SAFE suggestions for those who are worried about any seasonal infections:

1. Drink 1 capful of NSP Silver Shield Liquid per day.

2. Use NSP Silver Shield Liquid in a spray bottle to:

  • inhale
  • sterilize hands
  • take a swig, gargle  and hold 6 minutes, then swallow, at the first sign of any throat irritation
  • Silver Shield Liquid can also be put into nasal spray bottles (available at our office), to help get it farther into nasal passages and for sinus related conditions

3. Take 1-4 per day of NSP Vit. D3  60 tabs  or 180 tabs, (2000 IU per tablet). Multiple research confirms the beneficial role of Vit. D3 in treatment and  prevention of Cancer, Diabetes, MS, osteoporosis, depression… name a few.  Click on search bar in top right of blog for more research on Vit. D3 or contact Lorene for assistance.

4. And from one of Dr. Pedersen’s webinars for doctors and other health professionals, who are likely people to come in contact with this flu and many other infections on a daily basis:
Dab some NSP Silver Shield Gel in each nostril 1-3 times a day; it keeps your mucous membranes naturally moist. In addition,  the Silver will kill inhaled contaminants. We always use this when flying or in any crowded, enclosed area for hours, such as schools, shopping malls, parties…..

5. Check out my “TIPS TO BALANCE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM” …..comments welcome!

Remember – whether our body is a good host to germs, viruses and any pathogens is up to us! This is all dependant upon our diet, stress levels, and seasonal cleansing to help keep it clean and pure so we do NOT provide a good host.
Should all the above measures not all be in place and you do find yourself sick, please check out “CRISIS MANAGEMENT” on our blog. To order your Silver Shield, call our office 250-748-6802, or email

Be healthy, happy and wise!

Note re links:
Links change more often than we would like , so please contact Benoit Health Education to help ensure you get the right product at the best price….AND free S/H to your door. No obligations, hidden autoships; just great education!