Tag Archives: Slippery Elm

Q & A: Chronic Throat Irritation


Just wondered what your answer would be to a chronic throat irritation? I found a product not available anywhere in Canada by a Swedish company that seems to have phenomenal success rates called kan jang . I could order it from the U.S…..
Thank you. JV


First, I would want to understand what is causing the chronic irritation. A food, beverage, chemical or other toxin, GERD (acid reflux), low grade or sub-clinical strep infection, or mucous drainage from sinus are some possibilities. As explained in my book, The Paw Paw Program, inflammation is the root cause of all disease.

So to FIX the challenge, this cause would need to be addressed. Some natural products that I know would provide relief, soothing and healing to the throat irritation are:

  • Tei Fu Oil  will provide instant relief – this is my take everywhere first aid kit in a bottle!
  • Slippery Elm – open 2 capsules and add 4 Tbsp. hot water – and sip. If it thickens too much, add more water
  • Aloe Vera Juice – slowly sip several Tablespoons per day
  • Silver Gel – excellent for irritation and infection – if you can apply it to back of throat without gagging, do that, otherwise just put at least a pea size in mouth and it will slowly coat the throat area

The last two will help the body heal the irritated throat tissues – use these for daily for at least a month. If it recurs, then you really have to look for the cause again.

As for the Swedish product, sorry I cannot comment. I have used mostly Nature’s Sunshine Products since 1990,  as their quality is unsurpassed and the results are excellent. If you decide to order it, do your research, as it sounds like a Chinese product, and their quality control if often non-existent.

Please contact our office  if you would like assistance in ordering any of the above suggestions.The above links are Canadian, so prices for US products will be less, especially if you contact our office for a member account.


Q & A – Natural Treatment for diarrhea


Hi Lorene, I took part in your annual herbal course last year – I attended with my good friend P.H. – it was a lot of fun and we learned so much from you!!  I think I remember you talking about something natural, I’m pretty sure it was an herb, that works really well for diarrhea, perhaps it was a Nature’s Sunshine product, but I can’t recall what it was. As my son is preparing for a trip to Cuba next week, taking with him herbs for digestion and parasites, I was hoping you might be able to help me come up with something he could take with him, just in case. I truly appreciate any help at all you can give me, Lorene!!

Warm regards, Lila


Three natural products we always take when traveling are Slippery Elm, Psyllium Hulls Combination and Activated Charcoal. The Slippery Elm and Psyllium Hulls Combination will work for both diarrhea and constipation, depending on how much water you take them with. They are healing and soothing to the intestinal tract, and help absorb excess liquid.
The Activated Charcoal, which is only available in the US and Mexico, is highly absorbent, so has been used for ages to help with chemical poisoning (as in drug overdoses), severe diarrhea, food poisoning and for severe gas, cramping or  bloating.
Both Slippery Elm and Charcoal may also be used topically as a poultice to help pull the meanness out of insect and spider bites.

Thank you! What a difference

Thank you so much. I feel amazing today;the progress since I’ve seen you is incredible!  The combination of Nature’s Sunshine Products you gave me is divine, they must be angel picked.  I’m inspired with making new food choices, life is great. Also appreciate  all the information you emailed, and the time you spent with me and my husband.

Thanks, DP, BC

(Transcribed & verified via phone.)

Products used were: Noni (Morinda), Lobelia, Slippery Elm and Vit. E, along with lifestyle recommendations of dietary change, exercise and emotional clearing to deal with healing crisis.