Tag Archives: SIDS by vaccines

Vaccine Choices – What about Polio?

Updates: Sept.13, 2020:  Polio Timeline added to References  at end of article


This explains the toxic connection of paralytic diseases to lead, mercury, arsenic & DDT (organochlorine), versus the myth of infection.  Scientific evidence that questions infectious agents versus environmental causes increases daily .

How Do You Make A Decision This Important ? Education !

When my husband and I had to make this important decision back in 1985, just before the birth of our daughter, we did not want to take it lightly.  What parent does?

Widespread internet, media and government vaccine promotion increases every year. It can be overwhelming to know what , or whom, to trust.  Those who know me may have accused me of analysis paralysis on some issues, but in this case it did not take me more than a couple of hours reading to know our answer. Many years later, ongoing research has confirmed our choice.

Luckily where we lived, we had other educated and like-minded people who had come to the same conclusion, so support was there. You may not be so lucky, so you need to be confident to stick to your guns.  Seeing the excellent health of our now grown daughter, ongoing research, knowing that billions of dollars have been paid in lawsuits for damages and death,  and horror stories of damaged children,  we are confident we made the right decision.

Since 1985, sharing the education on vaccines has been one goal and passion of my business. Before the “web” existed, I compiled a 156 page book of articles from worldwide authorities. I sponsored medical experts from Australia, South Africa and Quebec to come to B.C. to share their wisdom. I have many books and recordings in my library.  I have done radio interviews since 1987 on national radio (CBC) and others.  And since Nov, 2009, I have been putting vaccine articles on my research blog. The first one Nov. 18, 2009 was Tips to Make Swine Flu Fly Away. I hope my  previous vaccine entries on this blog and even a portion of this series, presented by world wide medical experts, will help simplify for you.

At the very least, watch the 2 min. video intro on this age: The Truth About Vaccines. The new replay begins Jan. 25th, 2018.

Didn’t the Polio Vaccine Work?

Many people think that vaccines reduced diseases worldwide. Polio is a good example,  as it is often used as a hallmark of vaccine “success”. It is a good illustration to show the methods commonly used to make it seem as if vaccines reduced disease. These methods involve  changing  parameters such as:

  1. diagnosis
  2. disease symptoms being “redefined” 
  3. reporting – how and by whom, lab testing required?
This chart clearly and simply shows the decrease in Polio BEFORE vaccines, close to 60% .
This chart from National Vital Statistics, which  I initially had some trouble interpreting,  shows some interesting facts.
The polio vaccine was licensed in the U.S. in 1954, the same year that polio was “redefined.”  From ‘50 thru ‘55, the striped and clear portions of the bars represent about 85% of the reported cases, or 30,000 per year, on average. Those cases were automatically eliminated by two radical changes the CDC (Center for Disease Control) made to the diagnostic parameters and labeling protocol of the disease, as soon as the vaccine was licensed. Results of these changes?  We were told 30,000 cases a year were eliminated by the vaccine. The real decrease in vaccines, is shown in the solid black portion of the graph. 

Over the last sixty years in the U.S., more than a million cases of what would have been diagnosed as polio pre-vaccine—same symptoms—were given different labels.

The change didn’t stop there, however. As addressed in the Ratner report, the CDC also changed the definition of a polio epidemic, greatly reducing the likelihood that any subsequent outbreaks would be so labeled. This article gives details:

How the CDC made 30,000 Polio DIagnoses Disappear

This article provides more details on changes made by government to promote vaccine effectiveness: The Salk Miracle 

By the 1990s, the only cases of polio occurring in the United States and Europe were vaccine-associated, caused by mutation of the live virus grown in monkey kidney cell culture in  the OPV vaccine.

The video at the end  of this post shows how beneficent foundations have profited from the best investment available – vaccines.

Are Vaccines Effective?

Changing the parameters of what constitutes an epidemic is also used in reverse to hype fear around Flu , Zika, Avian flu “epidemics” and encourage people to get flu shots.

  • The flu vaccine, as do most others, insert sheet states “safety and effectiveness not established”
  • Most studies conclude that “No decrease in influenza” after being injected with a flu shot.
  • Which strain to use in vaccine preparation the season before is guess work

In the medical journal Vaccine, Dr. Gregory Poland, the journal’s editor-in-chief, professor of medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, recently made surprising public statements about the poor effectiveness of measles vaccine in the MMR shot.

For many years, Dr. Poland has been a strong mandatory vaccination proponent and has criticized MMR vaccine safety critics but now he is taking the lead in publicly criticizing the vaccine’s failure to prevent measles.

Are Vaccines Safe?

  • a in just one study, published in Human & Environmental Toxicology,  found that mercury-laced flu vaccines caused a 4,250 percent increase in fetal deaths during the 2009 flu season.
  • All vaccines contain toxins, including mercury, a brain-damaging, abortion-promoting heavy metal, monkey and other animal viruses & cells.
  • Flu shots have been scientifically proven to WEAKEN immunity in subsequent years, and repeated annual shots linked to significant increase in Alzheimers.
  • Read: Vaccine Myths for UBC research on Vaccines altering brain and immune system functioning in children.
  • Vaccines kill children. This is why the CDC was lobbied by vaccine makers to create the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986. Courts have paid  out billions in damages, using tax payers’ money, as this act indemnifies all  vaccine manufacturers.
  • Although it is mandatory for doctors to report adverse vaccine reactions, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System operated by CDC and FDA  states that  97.5% of vaccine related deaths and disabilities go unreported.

This study on the NCBI website indisputably shows how Polio vaccines supplied by “philanthropists” crippled almost 1/2 million Indian children from 2000-2017.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121585/.

See some  Safe Options to Vaccines. Contact Benoit & Associates for personal assistance in improving your natural immunity.

Whether you believe vaccines are effective AND safe or not, do you believe that people should have choice in their health care? Should people be able to choose between drugs and natural healing? Should cancer patients be able to choose how to treat their condition? Should those with high cholesterol be mandated to take stain drugs, or depressed people be mandated to be on Prozac?

For more about Choice , please consider supporting Vaccine Choice Canada, which has been an excellent educational resource since 1982.  The US has many similar resources.

If you do not feel the articles and references on this site offer enough education to make an informed decision on this critical decision, look online for this  excellent movie discussing vaccines: Vaxxed .  The  informative  series  Truth About Vaccines , interviews experts worldwide.  Listen to as much as you can. Even 1/2 hour may be enough to make you realize you might been hearing a one sided point of view most of your life.


References and ongoing education:

If above video has been censored, try finding “Bill Gates: Deleted ocumentary Why he switched from Microsoft to vaccineas”   https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jd1MPrYc6SSs/

Polio Timeline by David Crowe: https://theinfectiousmyth.com/polio-timeline.html

Vaccines Court Confirms Healthy 13 yrs. old buy made tetraplegic by chicken pox vaccine.

Dissolving Illusions- The Disappearance of Polio

The US Government has paid out more than 3 Billion dollars to vaccine-injured families. This is now $5 billion. Why are the taxpayers paying this when the Vaccine makers , when they expect to make $61 TRILLION dollars in 2020? Vaccine makers have lobbied to have laws passed to indemnify them for damages to humans.

CDC Admits Polio Vaccine Tainted with Cancer Causing SV40 Virus