Tag Archives: safe vaccine alternatives

Safety & Effectiveness of MMR and Flu Vaccines ?

The more that evidence points towards the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccines, the more public health authorities seem to be forcing them upon the public. One has to question this and demand answers from our  “health” providers and law makers who negligently consider only biased  research  funded by the pharmaceuticals.
Vaccine packaging says a person receiving a vaccination should “avoid contact with immune-compromised individuals” for about 3 weeks following the flu shot.  Does this happen in hospital and health care facilities? Workers are often given the shot AT WORK, and it is fairly safe to say that if they are working in a hospital, or senior care home, OR homecare, they ARE working with immune-compromised individuals. How can you tell, on a crowded subway?  Or even in your own family?  Or at school that a vaccinated person is not actively spreading the disease?

Two more studies that should give YOU cause for pause and questions are listed here.

Excerpts from this study concerning MMR:   The Lancet, Volume 351, Number 9103, 28 February 1998:
In eight children, the onset of behavioural problems had been linked, either by the parents or by the child’s physician, with MMR: measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Five had had an early adverse reaction to immunization (rash, fever, delirium; and, in three cases, convulsions). In these eight children the average interval from exposure to first behavioural symptoms was 6·3 days (range 1-14).
We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.

Excerpt concerning Flu vaccines from:  Cochrane Collaboration Independant Vaccine Study Abstract

The Plain language Summary:  italics inserted by L. Benoit

Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses. Each year, the World Health Organization recommends which viral strains should be included in vaccinations for the forthcoming season.

Authors of this review assessed all trials that compared vaccinated people with unvaccinated people. The combined results of these trials showed that under ideal conditions (vaccine completely matching circulating viral configuration) 33 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. In average conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. Vaccine use did not affect the number of people hospitalized or working days lost but caused one case of Guillian-Barré syndrome (a major neurological condition leading to paralysis) for every one million vaccinations. Fifteen of the 36 trials were funded by vaccine companies and four had no funding declaration. Our results may be an optimistic estimate because company-sponsored influenza vaccines trials tend to produce results favorable to their products and some of the evidence comes from trials carried out in ideal viral circulation and matching conditions and because the harms evidence base is limited.

Safe Alternatives to Vaccines

Why would one take the chance on vaccination side effects, when research has shown that the best prevention of contagious disease transmission is good hand washing (with no side effects). Other exceptionally safe and effective prevention tips:

1. Put a dab of Silver Gel in each nostril 1 – 3 times per day, depending on your exposure to sick people.

2. Take a tsp./5 ml. of Silver Guard once per day during flu season, so the anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties are circulating in your blood stream.

3. Follow the Four Pillars of Health as outlined in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

4. Other basic health considerations:

  • stay hydrated with enough pure water
  • get outside for pure air and exercise (one of the 4 Pillars)
  • get some sunshine, even on cloudy days it is your  best source of Vitamin D. When it is cloudy, take 1,000- 10,000 IU good quality Vit. D3

5. Keep herbal first aid remedies on hand that you can take at the first sign of cold or flu:

  • HRP-C – A Chinese formula that knocks out viruses, including HeRPes,  very quickly. If you have it on hand and take full dosage at first sign of a cold or flu, it may prevent it. If already settled in, it will help speed your healing response without suppressing the healing process.
  • Silver Guard – liquid taken at higher dosages, or Silver Gel taken about 1/4-1/2 tsp. – both are the best antibiotics in existence. PS Silver Guard is NOT just a mouthwash – it is for internal consumption in any orifice that needs it.
  •  Echinacea Golden Seal liquid.

Follow Crisis Management suggestions for helping your body work through illness more quickly and safely. You will get some other ideas on a past post: Safe Vaccine Alternatives.

To order any of the above herbs, ask for an Herbal professional to help with your order , free 10 mins. Contact our office . If you prefer to order online at Nature’s Sunshine,  Choose either Canada or US & use sponsor #1143667 to open your own account and receive a discount. There is no charge for membership with an order and no obligations.

May life be one of good health for you and your loved ones!

Safe Vaccine Alternatives

Take responsibility to create better health for you and all loved ones!

The first and most important thing to say about vaccination is you don’t have to do it.

The fact is it wouldn’t occur to a lot of us to even investigate vaccinations, particularly before we experience contraindications. More recently, however, there are more and more people taking responsibility for their health. You may find the following material conflicts with messages you have been given from the allopathic medical field. Statistics are often misrepresented by inaccurate reporting and recording; making it difficult to know the truth.

The intent of this information is to remind you that you are responsible for your own health. Secondly, it is to remind you that you are more of an expert on the subject of your self and your body than any other person or group of people – it is your decision as to what is best for you. The point is you have the right and the responsibility to determine your own action.

For those new to the concept that it is your decision whether or not to vaccinate, please be aware that The Exemption for Conscience was passed on December 14, 1984. Previous to this, mandatory vaccination was practiced in Canada. Although today it is no longer mandatory to have your children vaccinated, “social marketing” is the means of imposing vaccination. The selling of an idea to the point that it becomes your own idea, even if it goes against your conscience, is what social marketing is about.


All drugs, prescription or over the counter, have some toxic side effects. Herbs have thousands of years use as safe, natural and effective!  Herbs have been used since the birth of humankind and still stand the test of time.


For a Healthy Immune System:

Follow the Four Pillars of Health: Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional. More detail on these are in Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – A Natural Approach to Cancer , which also addresses healing most other chronic health conditions.



Avoid sugar, food additives, chemicals, colourings, caffeine and junk food; they suppress immune function.

Keep the body clean (internally and externally). Cleanse spring and fall.

Eat a well-rounded diet of wholesome natural foods. Foods for the immune system are foods closest to their natural state: vegetables, fruits, some whole grains (sprouted), nuts and seeds.

Herbs are concentrated powerhouses of nutrition: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and all the phytochemicals that scientists will never finish discovering.

Herbs promote optimum health when used on a daily basis according to your needs and the seasons. Quality herbs used properly are also safe remedies when you are sick.

Avoid using antibiotics and synthetic drugs, as they are toxic to humans. If you feel antibiotics are necessary, replace colonic bacteria with good quality probiotics.

Reduce meat, egg and processed grains. These foods contribute to mucous production. Change the last “a” in pasta to “e” and what do you get?  Paste!

Get regular moderate exercise.

Practice deep abdominal breathing.

Seek clean air and sun. Don’t smoke. Avoid inhaling second-hand smoke.


Mental, Spiritual and Emotional:

Maintain a positive mental attitude. Research has shown that a positive mental attitude and having goals, plans, dreams, hope and faith result in a stronger immune system.

Stress is a major cause of a suppressed immune system. Learn to reduce it where possible and where not, manage it effectively.

Develop loving relationships with other people that build up your self worth.

Cry and let go of a loved one; grieve, feel your feelings. Learn to express anger constructively and in safe ways. People who suppress their feelings may be prone to having a hiatal hernia, which leads to digestive system breakdown and overall health challenges.

Keep educating yourself and ask questions.

The above four aspects of our health cannot be separated,  if one hopes to achieve optimum health.

If you have already had vaccinations……..

or if after researching about immunizations, you still decide to use them, the following herbs and combinations can help counteract some of the negative effects. These formulations also help keep the immune system strong and healthy, thus providing a safe alternative to vaccines:

HRP-C (CA)  / VS-C (US) to kill viruses and remove toxins, especially from the liver. This can be used as successful treatment for ALL viruses, including herpes; as well as taken as a preventive during cold/flu season.

Heavy Metal Detox to cleanse blood of mercury, formaldehyde, and other toxins in vaccines. Supports the liver and provides essential minerals.

Cat’s Claw Combination with Astragalus and Echinacea to kill bacteria and infections; helps lymphatic drainage.

Golden Seal & Echinacea as Goldenseal can help the body kill Hepatitis B virus from the vaccine.

Oregon Grape as natural antibiotic and immune system strengthener. A specific for staph infections with special affinity for skin conditions.

Silver Guard has research to show it can kill over 600 strains of bacteria and viruses. Once in the blood, it can help prevent most infectious pathogens. Labelled as a mouthwash due to Health Canada absurdity, it is #1 for infection. By all means use it as a mouthwash to prevent tooth and gum infection, but then swallow it so it can continue promoting health throughout your body.


As links frequently change, you can contact author……..

for full ingredient lists on any above products, as well as hundreds of other professional, quality supplements. You can also find full ingredient lists on Benoit’s NSP website: TakeTheNaturalPath.myNSP.com

Choose your country in top right corner. Member #1143615.

For a list of excellent websites to continue your education on vaccines, go to “Vaccine Research Websites“.

Some of the comments below relate to to other useful research relating to vaccines, or after-effects.


What do you need to do next ?

To learn more or order any of the above formulations:

  • Contact our office or phone 250-748-6802, with your name, phone number and 2 times available Mon – Thurs. mornings, 9:00 – 11.:50 am PST for old fashioned personal service!
  • Go to www.naturessunshine.com; choose your country and Lorene Benoit should come up as your sponsor # 1143615.

You will  receive discount and the benefits of our professional support.  We can place your initial order for you at no charge.