Tag Archives: runny nose


To help a person who has allergy problems, one must play detective. There are several body systems which may need to be addressed to solve the riddle. Determining which one or ones are the priorities can help to find quicker resolution. Every person is an individual, and although there are some herbs which will help many people most of the time, there are more severe or stubborn cases, where some sleuthing can make a difference quicker and with longer lasting benefits.

The systems that we assess for allergies are digestive, eliminative, respiratory, urinary and hepatic or liver. Our marvelous liver performs over 500 functions, so for those who are challenged with allergies, the liver is certainly one of the organs to check out. Let’s look briefly at the other systems first, by learning some of the clues as to which system is trying to tell you something.

The digestive system will manifest as problems that include bloating, burping, upper abdominal distress, or headaches, to name a few.

The eliminative system will basically push some of these symptoms further down the G.I. tract, causing lower abdominal bloating, cramping or other pain, flatulence, and elimination problems such as diarrhea or constipation.

The respiratory system may show up as foul breath, running nose, watery eyes, sneezing, post- nasal drip or sinus headaches, earache or sore throat.

Problems with the urinary system may manifest through the skin, such as rashes, hives, pimples, acne, dandruff or itching.

Overload or deficiency of the liver can cause headaches, stiffness, muscle aches and irritability. The ability of the liver to handle toxins that we take into the body in our daily lives will also affect all the above mentioned systems. If more toxins enter the bloodstream via the liver, then these other systems must handle the extra burden.

Spring is the best time to improve the health of the liver according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is why in most cultures spring cleaning is an annual ritual. If you haven’t yet done this, it is not too late. Herbs traditionally used for liver cleansing are dandelion, milk thistle, nettles, beet, turmeric, gentian and the dock sisters, (yellow and bur). I use western herbal formulas which combine a number of these, as well as two Chinese formulas, one for a toxic (yang) condition and the other for a weakened (yin) condition. The main caution with cleansing is how strongly you approach it, dependent on your condition. If a person is already weakened and they cleanse too quickly it can further deplete their energy. You can consult a qualified herbalist for direction, but you want to also learn to pay attention to your body. It will become your best advisor.

Some of the most effective herbs and combinations for allergies are listed here. Please contact our office to become a member and receive direct to your door discounts on any of these.

Digestive System:

Digestive Enzymes: Good health begins with efficient digestion. This is a full spectrum Enzyme that aids digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat and is one of the most effective and well priced on the market.

Eliminative System:

Tiao He Pak – “Balance and Harmony” -a 10 day cleanse for liver, bowels and blood
Bod – E Klenz – a 30 day cleanse that also contains building herbs, antioxidants, enzymes and probiotics, along with herbs to cleanse bowels, liver, blood, lungs and kidneys.

Respiratory System:

AL-J – a combination of herbs that promotes digestion, liver function, and lung decongestion.
SN-X – a decongestant and cleansing formula for the entire respiratory tract, especially effective for sinus, both acute and chronic and sinus headaches.
Fenugreek and Thyme – Fenugreek helps break down old, hardened mucous and Thyme is an antiseptic.
Histablock – Controls inflammation and swelling of mucous membranes, supports free breathing.
All the above formulas are more effective if begun during winter to help strengthen respiratory system before allergy season arrives.
Tei Fu Oil – see separate handout for uses for this cure all “snake oil”
Lobelia – helps to thin mucous to allow for better expectoration, calms bronchial spasms, therefore useful for coughs and asthma (anti-spasmodic), also calming to nervous system.

General Nutrition:

Chlorophyll – Nature’s Green Magic” helps you drink adequate water. Adds minerals, vitamins and flavour without calories or sweeteners. Inexpensive and healthy, what a combo!
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids – nature’s natural anti-histamine.
MSM – Methylsulfonylmethane – scavenges free radicals and foreign proteins, can provide needed sulphur to help eliminate allergies within 3 to 4 days. Also gives building blocks to build stronger nails and hair and reduce inflammation of joints, skin and mucous membranes.

Lorene Benoit has a Master of Holistic Health, Master Herbalist, natural health consultant, CRA practitioner and educator. She teaches and lectures internationally. For more information phone or fax her Duncan office at 250-748-6802 or contact by email: TakeTheNaturalPath@gmail.com