Tag Archives: Leucorrhea


What is chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is the green matter in plants referred to as “the blood of plant life” for it closely resembles the red content of the blood of humans.  Dr. Richardson says “drinking chlorophyll is like getting a blood transfusion”.


Why chlorophyll is useful?

Dr. Theodore Rudolph calls chlorophyll “Green Magic” because it has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide, thereby releasing oxygen which inhibits the action of anaerobic bacteria.  Anaerobic bacteria is a disease producing microorganism living in many human bodies. Scientists have also found that chlorophyll helps to thicken and strengthen the walls of the body cells of living animals and that it promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.

 Reference:  Dr. T. Rudolf: “Chlorophyll: Nature’s Green Magic”


Uses of chlorophyll

  • has been used to deodorize ulcerative conditions, including cancer.
  • chronic painful leg ulcers have been healed in six to ten weeks with external   application of concentrated chlorophyll.
  • drops have been used to clear sinusitis, hay fever, rhinitis, otitis media (ear canal).
  • use after dental extraction and oral surgery.  The American Journal of Surgery (October 1943) “the use of chlorophyll liquid has a therapeutic place in acute and chronic suppurative (pus producing ) diseases of the oral cavity.” You can see chlorophyll has a long history as an accepted medical adjunct.
  • prevents tooth decay (swish and swallow).
  • has been used to clear up pyorrhea (infection of the gums) and gingivitis (bleeding  gums).
  • relieves tonsillitis and laryngitis :  gargle every hour with chlorophyll, spit out.  Swallow chlorophyll capsules and take Echinacea/Golden Seal and 1,000 mg Vitamin C every hour.
  • chlorophyll is very effective for stomach ulcers taken every two hours.
  • has been used successfully to treat enteritis and colitis :  use two chlorophyll capsules with half a glass of warm water every hour.  This will reduce acid, mucous gas formation and putrefaction in the bowels.
  • aids in blood sugar problems.
  • lubricates ileocecal valve.
  • increases iron in blood.
  • Is a great addition to water, warm or cold, for all ages from infancy to senior, for overall health. It is mentioned as an addition to the cancer aid book The Paw Paw Program. For more information The Paw Paw Program – A “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally.

For Vaginitis, Trichomones, Leucorrhea, a douche with one capsule chlorophyll  opened into warm distilled water nightly for one week then every second night the  second week, etc., as needed.  Then insert chlorophyll into the vaginal tract.  Include Super Vitamins & Minerals, HRP-C and a bowel cleanser in this program.

For Hemorrhoids liquid chlorophyll can be injected into the rectal area and retained for  fifteen minutes.  Then a pin pricked chlorophyll capsule can be inserted into the rectal area at bed time.  Treat every night for one week, then every second night for the second week and so on.

Arteriosclerosis, High Blood Pressure and Arthritis: about one teaspoon of  chlorophyll in a glass of water 3 – 4 times daily along with chlorophyll capsules will  assist the body to combat hardening of the arteries.

 Athlete’s Foot:  wash the foot with Tea Tree Oil, soap and water.  Dry feet thoroughly. Place feet in basin of 10 parts        warm water and one part liquid chlorophyll.  Soak the feet for thirty minutes.  Spread chlorophyll ointment between the toes and cover with gauze and wrap in a bandage.  Use this treatment every day for two weeks.

For Deodorant:  drink chlorophyll in water daily and soak feet in chlorophyll solution.

As a General Tonic: chlorophyll is a tissue builder, raises iron in blood, increases energy levels, oxygen levels, metabolism and inhibits the action of carcinogens. Use one tablespoon in half a glass of water twice daily.

 Liver :  taking chlorophyll capsules and drinking liquid chlorophyll daily helps to purify the liver, eliminate drug deposits, old toxic material, chemical sprays on foods,  artificial flavoring, coloring and coal tar products.  It helps to get the bile to move      regularly.

Calcium :  chlorophyll helps to control and regulate calcium levels in the blood.

 Bowels :  chlorophyll reduces acid which produces putrefaction and destroys toxins.

Chlorophyll Ointment :  open five chlorophyll capsules to 1/2 bottle of Golden Salve to make an ointment.  Apply generous amount of ointment over the wound.  Cover with gauze, then cellophane.  Change dressing every 48 to 72 hours.  Use for burns,  wound, external ulcers, itching, rectal burning, ivy poisoning, weeping and dry eczema, insect bites, skin infection and impetigo.



  • A 10 year-old girl had an infected hang nail on the toe.  She washed it well using Tea Tree Oil and soap and water. Then opened up a chlorophyll capsule and squeezed it onto the infected area.  The next day the toe was entirely healed.
  • A lady with stomach ulcers drank Chlorophyll and water and herbal combination ULC-R+(formerly HP fighter) to clear up her ulcers.
  • One lady had a problem with anemia and took Chlorophyll.  It took just about one week before it took effect and now she is regaining her energy.
  • One lady had extremely bad menstrual cramps, bloating and heavy bleeding.  She used Calcium, HSN-W, FCSII, Chlorophyll, a cleansing combination and Black Cohosh.  The change was unbelievable.