Tag Archives: Dr. Bruce Lipton

SARS COVID 19 update

I posted 3 articles on COVID from March to early April. Those links are at end of this article.


I thank those who commented and added further references.  In the 3 months since posting those, I have received thousands of global scientific reports and meta-analyses from multiple sources that support and affirm my views about the shifts which are happening in our world.


In this, hopefully my last article on COVID, I  want to focus on positive ways to affect imminent changes.  I believe we need to shift from following fear-based “new normals” being forced and mandated by government,  to opportunities for positive change within each of us,  as well as to community, region, country and eventually world-wide.
Challenge: A virus that is directing changes
If you have only heard mainstream media reports about the virus, you may choose to briefly look at two resources that summarize studies you may have not heard:
  1. “COVID” Facts: 30 succinct points with science based references; updated end June, 2020:   https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/
  2. The 2nd Wave:   Institute Peace & Prosperity
Solutions: to overcome fear – an impediment to critical & creative thinking:
  1. What would happen if 1% of global population would have the same thought at the same time? It’s about creating a new reality, a safe and healthy world. To help learn the power of Collective Consiousness, you can join in your community with like-minded people who will support each other in times of change.

2. One world-wide project that can help you create postive vision is                                           The Vision Alignment Project .  

Where our awareness goes, our energy flows; energy creates reality.

3. Practice Pre-Figuration to End Lockdowns Inside Us:  by Nicanor Perlas,  who has done an excellent job of  listing multiple references to support  his statements.

“Let us consciously de-hypnotize ourselves daily from mainstream narratives and commands. Let us be free agents in our own private space. Doing deeds based on scientific reasoning will free us from being victims of forced, external control. Practice freedom and we predispose ourselves towards freedom.

There are no tyrants, if there are no (fearful and willing) slaves.”

If you have other suggestions that help to create a better world…..
  • where people are free to make choices that resonate with them, while presenting no harm to others who choose differently
  • where peaceful diversity and choice is accepted and respected by internal moral governance rather than  mandated by exterior governance (yes, a Utopian view!)
please add your comments.

Here are the 3 previous posts on this site. These will give you a summary of hundreds of hours of research:

3 previous articles on COVID:


Changing Genetics with More Love?

Dr. Bruce Lipton, in a lecture on Healing with the Masters, asks the question, “Do we have enough love?”

His findings are based on stem cells studies. Everyday we replace billions of our cells from embryonic cells, which we call stem cells. Dependent on what medium or culture in which the stem cells are grown will determine what type of cells they become, whether muscle, bone, fat or any other of many possible cells. Plus, whether they are healthy or abnormal cells. So, in a nutshell, our  genetics do not determine the outcome of the cells – it is the environment in which they are immersed.

One of the healthiest environments is one which is infused with love. Sick stem cells transferred into a healthy environment become well and vice versa.

Our human body is a community of fifty trillion cells living according to what the brain perceives.  The brain’s perception of the world controls the neurotransmitters which determine the chemistry of the blood, which determines the fate of our cells, so ultimately the brain controls our state of health. This concurs with epigenetics which states that environment controls the fate of genetics.

A mind in love and a mind in fear have two different chemistries which will affect the physical health of our cells, no matter what the genetics. Being in love releases dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin. These chemicals grow exuberant  stem cells. Fear and stress hormones hinder healthy cellular growth.

Conscious mind (prefrontal cortex, about 10%)  has our wishes, desires for future & creativity. Sub conscious mind (about 90%) has the pre-recorded programs, habits, instincts and learned experiences, acquired in the first 7 years of our life through our observed environment and culture. It is this 90% subconscious which determines what the 10% conscious achieves.

Talking to your subconscious does NOT work – it is akin to talking to a CD player. The subconscious mind learns 3 ways: hypnosis, habituation (repetition & practice), and energy modalities that engage subconscious processes to reprogram it.

In Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program – The “Christopher Columbus” Approach to Cancer – The World IS Round and Cancer CAN Be Treated Naturally, Chapter 6, The Road to Wellness – The Four Pillars of Health, includes emotional healing as one of the 4 essential Pillars. The importance of loving support when dealing with any chronic health conditions is critical and is backed by more and more research from the field of quantum physics.

This book is full of  easy to read information that is critical to treatment and prevention of all chronic conditions, and achievement of optimum health.

FOCUS ON WHAT IS BEING BORN. As you reprogram your subconscious you effect the reality of the cells that create your future, as well as the evolution of all humanity.

Contact our office to order this book, or create your personalized optimum health program. Old fashioned phone? 250-748-6802.