RF Radio Frequency, Smart?? meters and your health

Recently Doctors Martin Pall and Paul Dart made an hour long presentation to the Oregon State Health Committee to present summaries of over 20,000 scientific research studies clearly pointing to health dangers of ever-increasing Radiation Frequency (RF).

Existing scientific research offers strong evidence that chronic exposure of the public to Radiation Frequency  transmissions produces  serious acute and chronic health effects to a significant portion of the population.

RF emissions  are coming from WiFi, SMART meters, cell phones, baby monitors, portable phones and cell towers, all on the increase , especially in NA, without thought to the short and long term consequences. More and more people are being diagnosed with Electro Hyper Sensitivity, and these are just the “canaries in the mineshaft”, alerting us all to what  are doing to ourselves.

Interestingly it is Europe where the majority of these studies have been conducted, as these countries have had mobile technology the longest: West Germany 1952, Sweden 1956 and USSR 1958. They are conducting these studies because they are concerned about the welfare and associated health care costs of their citizens, and some are moving away from mass RF exposure. A few examples are:

  • In 2008 the National Library of Europe removed their WIFI.
  • Shortly after several Medical Univesity Libraries, such as Sorbonne, also removed theirs.
  • In France, all  child care centres have had WIFI removed, as it has been proven that the RF effects are much more serious on developing brains.
  • In Spain, communities are being developed by people who do not want RF exposure – seeking valleys that can be protected by cell towers emissions.

Studies from  Egypt, Austria, Sweden, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Spain Israel, and Brazil, to name a few,  have shown definitively that the closer a person lives to  cell towers, the greater the incidence of the most commonly reported negative effects of excess RF exposure: autism, fertility, memory loss, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, and DNA damage leading to birth defects and cancers.

An Austrian extensive  study from 1984-1997, showed people living within 1200 meters of a cell phone tower  had an increase in breast cancer of 23 times greater  and brain cancer 121 times ! For learn about safe, effective cancer treatment and prevention, see Lorene Benoit’s book: The Paw Paw Program –  A Natural Approach to Cancer.

Rates of RF are thousands of times more than generally accepted safe standards, and still are, especially in North American outdated standards. This means that safety standards, controlled by industrial complex interests, are NOT protecting the public.

While Europe  is taking some positive steps to reduce RF radiation, North America seem to be finding every possible way to force more of it upon us! Local Hydro companies still spout the safety of Smart meters that a few of their scientists say are  safe, but there are thousands of doctors and scientists, not connected with their industry, that are showing us the truth. Educate yourself.

LOOK  at and LISTEN:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-nYxZHak6I#t=3431

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